Chapter Forty-Seven- Secrets and Suffering

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My head hurt badly, and my limbs ached. I opened my droopy eyes, my lids threatening to close soon enough. I felt a burning sensation on my wrists and found it hard to breathe. My ankles felt bruised, and I found it impossible to separate them. It was almost as if they were superglued together.

I opened my eyes and saw the others.

Amber's arms were tied above her head, across from me. Her wrists were pinned to the wall, and her feet were tied together in complex knots. Krystal was next to her, tied the same way.

Kai was tied to a chair, the bindings so tight I was surprised they didn't just pop his abs out.

Xiumin was tied to D.O, their backs tied against each other along with their wrists.

Lastly, I stared over to my boyfriend, Baekhyun. A tied was wrapped tightly around his mouth, and his arms too were tied up to the wall.

"Sarang-shi! You're finally awake!" Xiumin shouted out in relief. "They looked through our bags and took our wallets. They took our phones too."

"What are we going to do?" I saw tears streaming down Krystal's face, her mascara running down. She kicked her feet, struggling against her restraints. "Are they going to sell us as slaves? Kill us?"

I looked over to Baekhyun, his eyes wide and frightened, concerned as well. "I told you," I whispered quietly. "Didn't I?"

He looked down shamefully.

I heard sniffing from the corner, confused to see it was Amber. Not once have I seen Amber cry. Not when she broke her arm falling off of her skateboard. Not even when her little sister acted like such a brat she somehow managed to get Amber to be grounded by their parents for three months.

So to my surprise, she was there balling out here eyes. "I..I..." she cried out horrendous sobs, her body trembling. "I just... I just want to go home... To Umma and Appa... and hell, even Jackie."

I was surprised. She usually hates her little sister, Jackie, so much. She must've really been having a mental breakdown at this horrible experience.

"I'm so sorry, Amber-ah," I apologized quietly, wanting to cry. But it seems as if all of my tears had ran out the night before, after the fight with Baekhyun. "Mian... Mianhae..."

"It's not your fault," Kyungsoo whispered to me.

"No, it is," I said, looking down. I was blaming myself, but it was all my fault! I should've warned them. I should've! And... He called me Miss Song... He ran after Baekhyun after I shouted his name. He's after us. The heirs.

It's my fault.

The door opened, and the man who had the mask on entered. I saw his eyes smiling with absolute glee as he stepped up to me.

"Miss Song, I see you're finally awake," he spoke, his voice deep.

"No," I growled, already knowing what he wanted.

"Sarang-shi? How does he know your name?" Krystal asked, eyes wide with shock and confusion.

The man ignored her turning over to Baekhyun and violently ripping the tie off his mouth. Baekhyun growled at him, baring his teeth as he gave a killer glare. The man grinned behind his face, lightly patting the side of Baekhyun's face.

"Pretty boy, aren't you? Maybe your richy-rich parents paid for your plastic surgery," he laughed.

"W-What?" Amber sniffed out, confused.

The man turned back to me. "It's quite simple darling. I checked your bag, and unfortunately found nothing in there but your school supplies and... oh yes! Your phone!"

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