Chapter Thirty-Six- Presents and Presence

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~A Few Months Later~

It was a few days before Christmas, and I was shopping for Christmas presents for everybody. I know this is a time skip, but I'll explain most of what happened.

Kyungsoo and Kai were happily accepted into our group with open arms, where all seven of us now eat on top of the roof together. I still believe something fishy is going on between Kai and Krystal, and D.O. still acts flustered as hell.

In fact, he was quite surprised when he found out about the news for Kai and Krystal dating. He still gave a heart-shaped smile, though.

Our parents had meetings almost every other week to discuss how the engagement plan is working out, and for help in training with the business.

Baekhyun and I have been the same, but I've been feeling a bit worried lately. Ever since he told me he liked me, he hasn't kissed me once. Shown any interest, or done anything particularly... well he hasn't made a move.

I've made plenty of moves, I think. But lately, I've been feeling as if he only told me he liked me to calm me down. What if it was still all business to him? What if he didn't even mean anything he said that day? If it really was just a distraction?

Every time I thought about it I'd just wrap my scarf tighter around my neck and try to think about something else. Perhaps the pretty snow flurries that dropped to my lashes or fell on my nose. I'd look at my reflection in the windows that displayed the latest items, studying my rosy cheeks that peeked out from above my scarf.

I thought about right before we left for winter vacation, how we finally got our roles and parts for the Seoul Talent Show, which would be held in Spring. Baekhyun and D.O. both ended up getting main parts in the male vocal line, whilst Taeyeon, Krystal, and I were doing the main female line.

Speaking of Taeyeon, the crazy bitch was still over her head. Each day she glared at me, and she'd screech things out once in a while. One day she threw a stiletto at me. But somehow she managed to reconcile with Baekhyun. When I confronted him about it, he simply shook his head and said, "You don't know how she is when she's alone Sarang. She's a lot different from what you think."

I simply huffed and ignored his words, but some nagging at the back of my mind still suspected her. But Baekhyun wouldn't try anything or give in, right? He did say he liked me. Then again that was months ago, and he didn't exactly say the word 'love'.

My mind flashed back to his words back from when we first met.

'Liar. I'm an heir too, don't think I can't tell when someone's lying, I happen to be a pretty good one myself.'

I shook my head at it. He wouldn't lie about that, would he? Yet somehow doubts flooded my mind.

My heart still pounded whenever I was around Baekhyun, and the feelings seemed to only grow. I never expected that day, the day my parents told me I was going to be wed to the man on the picture, I never thought I'd be so utterly head over heels for him.

Yet I did manage to convince myself I wasn't in love. I'd be anything but that. I wouldn't fall for him until I was positive that every word that came out of those beautiful lips were true. I shook my head from thoughts of Baekhyun, trying to think back to other things.

D.O. wasn't bullied anymore, thanks to yours truly. We quickly learned he had a more... evil side of him. We call him Satansoo when he's not looking because he tends to get pretty scary from time to tie. The odd thing is he hates when people touch him or pinch his cheeks, yet he let Kai do it all of the time. Well, not without complaints of course.

The two had gotten quite close, sharing some sort of bond. When I asked the two about it, they both mentioned something about being bestfriends. I asked Krystal what she thought, and she simply gave a bored expression and a small shrug. You'd think that a girl would be more interested in her boyfriend.

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