Chapter Fifty-Three- The Vows of Withdrawal

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I didn't get any sleep this night, all the while watching my love sleep on, waiting and waiting for him to awaken. It probably wasn't this stressful for the prince when he kissed Sleeping Beauty awake.

Lay finally convinced me to drink water, but I held in any tears with the constant anxiety. It was probably early in the morning, but adrenaline pumped through my veins as I rocked back and forth in my seat, tapping eagerly on my knee in absolute nervousness.

I've spent days at this hospital, only going out to take a shower and change. Chen visited after Chanyeol and the others do, coming to comfort me and send his condolences. He couldn't stay long, though. Unfortunately, he had someplace else to go.

I stared and I felt myself draining of hope. What if he didn't wake up? Not now, not ever? Would he really forget me? I didn't doubt that. It seemed all too real.

"Please don't forget me," I whispered anxiously. "Please, please don't. I'll do anything, I swear."

I held onto his hand, the cold fingers intertwined in mine. I anxiously glanced at the heart monitor, the machine's red line still going up and down at the usual pace.

I brushed my thumb over his knuckles, feeling a tear fall down my cheek. I was losing hope again. Would he even wake up?

I squeezed his arm, feeling no response. It wasn't like when he'd squeeze my hand to comfort me, to assure me he was still there. Because right now it was as if he wasn't there.

Another tear slid down my cheek, and I buried my face into the sheets of his bed. I balled up the fabric in my fist, banging my hand against the bed. "Dammit!" I cried out, weeping into the white, papery sheets.

I cried, my tears falling into the sheets. I'll be the first to admit it wasn't very ladylike, but at that moment I felt as if everything was silmply drained out of me. As if someone sucked the life out of me, and now I was nothing. I felt like a loose sweater, being pulled by a single string and quickly unraveling.

I sobbed on, the memories of how his lips met mine and his beautiful voice filling my senses. It wasn't like the other times when everything went mute. It was the opposite. It was as if there were a million voices screaming in my head, each demanding to be heard.

And strange enough, they were all his. Every word he said to me rang in my ears, from every arguement to every romantic word he spoke.

I sobbed harder, weeping for what I lost. He was gone. He's alread gone, and I was just staying here for no reason. But I made a vow, to be with him 'til my bitter end. I love him. I love him. I love him.

"Saranghae," I wept weakly, my sobs dying down to pointless and soft crying as I buried my face further into the sheets. "Mianhae, Baekhyun."

I wept silently, the wracking sobs stopping. I gave up on the hope. I just give up. What's the point? The boy I love is going to look at me and not know who I was. He was going to forget. He'd forget everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Everything. I'd be left here, with a broken heart and a memory of a boy, but only a shadow of a girl.


I stopped shaking, confused. I recognized that voice. I'd recognize it to the grave.

I felt the hand locked in mine squeeze my hand, and my heart pounded ten times faster than even before. I slowly raised my hand, almost afraid to see if it were true.

My eyes locked with Baekhyun's, who's eyes were the comforting dark chocolate brown that I fell in love with. His dark hair was sticking out in all directions from being in the pillow, and he was sitting up. It appeared he took out the tubes, since they were lying down on the bed, removed.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now