Chapter Thirteen- Chummy Chauffeur

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I walked into my apartment, looking at the digital clock near the entrance. It was already 8? I tossed aside my uniform blazer and went to the fridge, immediately getting a bowl of ice cream. You know what? Why not two. I'll use the other one as an apology to Baekhyun. He may or may not be an ass as far as I can tell, but I'll still give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Baekhyun-oppa?" I open the door to my bedroom. He's not here. Oh wait, wasn't his new bed supposed to come in today? I go to the guest bedroom beside mine, which revealed a shirtless Baekhyun who was trying to put on a shirt.

"Baek- OH GOD!" I slam the door, retreating back to my own room. I didn't see much, thank God. Now I'll have to apologize for intruding on his privacy.

There was a knock on my door. "Er--Sarang-ah?"

"C-Come in." Aish, why am I so flustered? His shirt was off, big deal! Buck up, Sarang.

He opened the door, peering at her. Thank goodness he had a shirt on. It was a bit snug on him though... Aish, byuntae thoughts! Don't get distracted Sarang!

"Mianhae, about earlier..." Baekhyun apologized.

I nodded, "Mianhae as well. New bed finally come in?"

"Got here an hour ago."

I gulped, "Sorry I'm late..."

He shrugged, "It's fine, I just watched TV and made the bed."

So he's not going to be sleeping on the other side of my bed now? I'm going to miss his warmth. I guess I'll have the entire bed to myself.

I held out the bowl of ice cream, "Here, to apologize how... immaturely I acted today."

He had on a slightly amused look on his face, "Are you now?"

Omo? He's acting differently... More... troublemaker? Devilish? That's... surprising?

I narrowed my eyes slightly, "What are you getting at, Baekhyun-ah?"

He wore an obnoxious, yet 'panty dropping' smirk. "Immaturely? I preferred that side of you, actually."

"Omo?! Huh?"

He chuckled, stepping forward. "That was the first time you actually showed some spunk, Sarang-shi. Trying to act sexy all of the sudden?"

I felt my back touch the wall, "M-Mwo?!"

His smirk was getting all the more cocky, and I saw a devilish glint in his eyes. "Your cheeks are all red, do you have a fever, Sarang-ah?"

The way he said my name was like velvet. It was smooth yet riveting. He reached a hand up and touched my cheek, his soft fingers caressing my face. "You're burning up, Sarang-shi." His hot breath was right next to my ear, and it sent shivers down my spine. His intense gaze was boring into my skull.

"B-Baek..." I stuttered, trailing off. What does he think he's doing? What was this? Just a few hours ago I was beyond pissed. Wait, why was I mad again? Focus, Sarang-ah! He wants you to forget!

Or... was he showing his true side? The playboy side?

I put down his hand, narrowing my eyes. "Don't try to play with my emotions, Byuntae Baekhyun."

"M-Mwo?" he wore a shocked, humored expression.

"Yah! Byuntae Baekhyun, that's what I'm calling you now," I stuck out my tongue childishly. He gave a cocky grin, "I'll show you who's a byuntae! Who's the one who walked in on me getting dressed?"

He swooped in, picking me up bridal style.

I lightly pounded my fists against his chest in a playful manner. "Yah! Put me down, Byuntae Baekhyun! This is not how a future husband should act!"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now