Chapter Sixteen- Rich-Kid's Reunion

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"Chen-ah, remember, you have to pick up Baekhyun and drive him to this studio. We have to go to a photo shoot for product advertisement. Please be nice to him, he is my fiance," Sarang grinned.

Chen chuckled, giving a rectangle-smile. "Sure thing, rich-girl."

Chen waited in the car, lightly tapping the steering wheel. Why was that name so familiar? Baekhyun. He didn't know any rich kids, but why was his name so familiar? As far as he knew, CEO's kept quiet about their business kids.

Baekhyun nervously patted his foot as he waited in the elevator. What was that name that Sarang told him about? Baek had to be picked up by her driver today since she was already dropped off her parents' main building, where she was to be 'made over' by her stylist, Sutty. Or was it Sunny? Yeah, Sunny.

Baekhyun thought back to what Sarang told him.

"Just so you know, my driver happens to be our age. So he's going to act more like a friend than a driver. But you'll be cool with that, right? Chen's a real nice guy from what I've seen," Sarang smiled.

"Don't you find it a bit odd that he's so chumy even though he works for you?" Baekhyun asked, pushing his sleeves up to his elbows.

Sarang shrugged, "I thought of Max as a friend rather than an employee, why shouldn't I do the same with his son?"

Baekhyun watched as the elevator doors opened, and walked out of the lobby to the front of the building, being greeted by the high class car. The window rolled down, and his eyes met with Chen's, and at that moment they realized why they thought of the other's name so familiar.

Little Baekhyun was just seven years old on that fateful day. He was pedaling his bike down, and he had lost track of time, and eventually the only thihng he knew was that he was very far from his neighborhood. He pedaled on, looking around at the faces and the crowds on the sidewalks. Commoners. This was the closest he's been to them.

He stopped to bike and stopped by a cafe, breathing heavily. It must've been hours since he left home, and he was sure as hell lost. He walked with his bike alongside him, confused. Some people gave him dirty looks for getting in his way, and right now he was scared.

How was he supposed to get home?

The small 7 year old started whining, crying in fear that he'd never get back home. 

"Yah! Why are you crying?" a voice said. Baekhyun turned around to greet a small boy about his age, with a rectangle smile and a face that reminded him of his toy dinosaur.

"I-I'm lost," Baek sniffed.

"Well Lost, would you like to come to my place? Maybe my appa can help get you back home!" the boy stuck out his hand, "You can call me Chen! It's what all my friends call me."

Baekhyun sniffed, "O-Okay."

The small boy led the other one to his house, which thankfully wasn't that far. The two traveled, and Baekhyun pushed his small bike to the garage, entering the small house.

"Appa! I brought a friend~" Chen sang. His father, a man who still had a few grey streaks in his hair and moustache, greeted the young boy.

"Ah! Chen! Who's your friend?" the man asked.

"He's Lost!" Chen answered for him, cheery.

The father shook his head, chuckling. "You're lost? Want me to help bring you home?"

Baekhyun nodded, wiping aay the almost dry tears. "G-Gomawo!"

"He's got a bike, where will we put it?" Chen asked, his squeaky, young voice chirping up.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now