Chapter Twelve- Wreck Room of Doom

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After classes ended I asked Max to drive me straight to my parents' mansion. I wasn't in the mood to see Baekhyun, and I was honestly pissed. About what you ask? Everything. Damn everything.

I was pissed that Baekhyun's ex had to be one of the prettiest girls at the school, AKA my enemy Taeyeon. I was pissed that we still weren't even close, that I felt myself being held back to trusting him. To know that I was right to hold myself back. He might break me like he broke Taeyeon. The Baekhyun I saw there wasn't the one who made my heart flutter in utter swoon-worthiness, but the one who made my heart flutter in fear. Was that who he was when he was truly himself? Some... heartless playboy?

I was beyond pissed at our situation. I've been 'with' him for a few days, and I was now more determined than ever to not fall. But was I? That's impossible. How could someone develop a crush in but a few days? I couldn't be in love with Baekhyun. Not when he doesn't even have feelings for me in return.

Taeyeon isn't over him. Not at all. She's going to go after him, undoubtedly. She was going to fight, and she'll unknowingly be fighting against me. I happen to be 'the home wrecker', aren't I? It's not like I had a choice. Baekhyun could still back out of the contract, and Taeyeon might just be the person to drag him away from the arrangement. I was determined to keep that from happening. Because of the contract. And maybe a bit of pride.

But love? No, love is just a weakness. I couldn't afford weakness. I refused to say I was doing it for love. Because then I could leave it to Baekhyun to use it against me, couldn't I?

I was torn between trusting him and putting my walls up higher.

I stormed into the mansion, immediately grabbing the baseball bat and a pair of goggles, dropping my bag. None of the servants questioned it but instead scrambled for position.

Some days I got so pissed at Taeyeon that it became normal for me to immediately storm to the wreck room. The servants were used to it of course. They knew not to disturb me in this state. I saw my father smiling cheerfully towards me. "Sarang! What brings you- oh wait, nevermind."

Even my father knew that I was in no mood for a conversation. It's not to be rude, but talking usually isn't the solution to get me in a better mood.

Still, I guess I wanted someone to talk to a little bit. Perhaps someone my age, and an heir, to relate to me on a personal level. Someone who knew my situation. I fished out my phone and called Chanyeol, who I put in my contacts as 'Yoda'. All of the boys exchanged numbers with me before they left on Sunday, and I suppose the one I was the friendliest with was Baek's best friend. Still, he was probably the best for the situation.

It ringed before a deep voice answered. "Sarang-ah! What's up?"

"Show up at my parents' place," I muttered into the phone. I told him the address, and he agreed to meet me here when he could.

I hung up, stuffing the phone back and putting on the pair of goggles and standing in the wreck room. There was a window- which luckily couldn't be broken- and vases and glass tables throughout the room.

Red. That's my favorite color at this moment. Pure red.

I rose my bat up, swinging and breaking one of the vases, the flowers in it scattering across the room. I smashed one of the vases being launched my way from one of the hidden canon-whatevers in the room. Yeah, that's the kind of sport we do in this house.

I smashed two more.

Stress began melting off of me gradually. I smashed one of the cheap glass tables. Another vase broken. A small, servant's artifact was thrown my way. I hit it spot on, the remains shattering to the opposite side of the room. There was an old, probably broken TV in the corner of the room, which I repeatedly beat to smithereens.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now