Chapter Ten- First Days and Happy Reunions

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Let me just make this clear, I like Taeyeon. Really, I do. I approve of her and Baekhyun's relationship in real life. Hell, I even ship it. As long as the two make each other happy I have no complaints about their relationship, just as any true fan would.

But, since this story does need an antagonist, I decided to throw his poor girlfriend under the bus. This is only for a story, so please respect the fact I'm making Taeyeon a bad guy, even though she is totally awesome in real life!

With that being said, I'm pretty sure you guys can already see where things will lead.


(OK, so I'm a bit late and I just found out they broke up last year haha ignore what I said earlier)

I woke up, the alarm I set up on my phone going off. I fumbled, reaching my hand over to get the phone. I felt the cold box of plastic, slapping my fingers over it until it finally turned off. I opened my eyes, yawning and scratching my bed head, a moan at my lips.

How did I get back to bed?

Oh, that's right. I accidentally fell asleep on Baekhyun's lap last night. He must've put me to bed. I looked over tiredly, seeing a sleepy Baekhyun groan in his sleep. "Five more minutes~" he moaned, the muffled sound barely making it out from the pillow that was currently buried over his head.

"We've got to get to school, oppa. No exceptions," I yawned, gently tugging at the pillow until it came off. He winced at the light, letting out a low growl as he buried back down into the covers. I flipped the covers off, "No, I'm awake, so you're awake too. You don't want to be late for your first day of school, now do you?"

With that I got up, noticing I was still in last night's clothes. "Thanks for taking me to bed, I appreciate it. Sorry for falling asleep in your lap, though."

"Er-- it's fine, you were dead asleep anyway," Baekhyun muttered.

I might not trust Baekhyun, or be open to him, but I was still trying to be pleasant to him. I grabbed my uniform from the second to top dresser drawer, where I kept my uniforms. I rushed to the bathroom, taking a quick shower. I pulled up the skirt and adjusted the blazer, brushing my teeth and hair, and finally leaving the restroom.

"Huh? You're done already?" Baekhyun asked, typing away on his smartphone.

I shrugged, "I didn't have to do much."

"Well, I thought most girls took a while to get their makeup done," Baekhyun muttered.

"Good thing I don't wear makeup then, huh?"

He shrugged, entering the bathroom to do his thing. I glanced over to the vanity. Should I wear makeup? I'm sure being a tomboy wasn't that attractive, and I happened to be one. Though, definitely not on the level Amber was.

He got done pretty quickly, his hair still damp from the shower. I got my comb and gently brushed his hair, getting a few droplets of water out. I didn't want him to have a cold. Soon enough his hair was fluffy and dry. I looked at my own damp hair, putting it in a braid. It'll just dry through the day and turn out wavy afterward. I wanted to say I did it for fashion, but honestly, it was just because I was really lazy.

I got a quick cereal, which it turns out Baekhyun never ate. Neither had I, since at my parents' mansion we had cooks. But I liked the cereal, especially the little cookie one.

I got a buzz from Max, the usual 'I'm here' text popping up on my lock screen. "I'll see you at school?" I asked Baekhyun, stony-faced.

He nodded, probably texting his driver. I traveled down to the driveway, seeing Max patiently waiting for me. I let out a sigh of relief, finally a time where I didn't have to worry about how to present myself. I climbed in, cheerful. "Morning Max!"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now