Chapter Nineteen- Dye or Die

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OK, can we just address Mr. Ex Nutella Abs? 'Cause like, damn boi, you warned us, and the fookin' disrespect! Just FLASH US without warning!

 Ex Nutella Abs? 'Cause like, damn boi, you warned us, and the fookin' disrespect! Just FLASH US without warning!

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I'll admit, I will miss sort of squishy Baek, but he's still the same Baekhyun. Just more ripped. I like him either way. I was going to describe Baek in this book as Nutella abs, but y'know... those plans are out the window now. Now we've got ripped Baekhyun.

Alright! Enough of that, back to the story!

Chanyeol and Baekhyun were currently chilling in his apartment while Sarang went on her 'date'. Baekhyun furiously pressed the buttons of his controller, angrily glaring at the screen.

Chanyeol looked at him concerned once Baekhyun 'finished him'. "Yo, man. You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," Baekhyun growls to himself.

"You sure? Because you look like you're going to jump into the screen to personally kill my avatar," Chanyeol chuckled awkwardly.

Baek grunted, tapping away.

Channie's phone buzzed, and he quickly looked at it. It was a text from Sehun, with a picture of Lay and Sarang having their hang out, Sehun and Luhan obviously hiding to take a picture of them in the mirror.

Does Baekhyun know? -Sehun

Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at the picture, turning to look at Baekhyun. "Yah! Baek, do you know about this?"

Chanyeol showed Baekhyun the picture, and in response the boy received a deep, thundering growl from Baek's throat. Baek looked away, practically punching into his controller. Chanyeol stared wide-eyed at his friend. He never saw Baek in this state. 

"Is that a yes...?" his deep voice grumbled questioningly.

"Yes, that's a fucking yes," Baekhyun cursed, winning the round. 

"Wait, but she's your fiance, why are you letting her go on a date?" Chanyeol asked, confused.

"Because... Because... Well, what else am I supposed to do? She's not even my girlfriend, why should I care?" Baekhyun grumbled to himself.

Chanyeol chuckled to himself, "Seems like you care a lot, has she made you jealous before?"

"Yes," Baekhyun mumbled, putting down the controller and turning off the TV, wiping his face in frustration. "With some bad-boy friend of hers named Kai."

"You know, if you get jealous, it means you care," Channie told him.

"I don't!" Baekhyun told himself. "D-Do not! I'm just doing this for business, and it's important she doesn't tarnish the name. I have a reputation to think of, don't I?"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now