Chapter Fifteen- The Petty Prankster

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After arriving at school and getting changed we attended our classes. Kai was in a different class from me, so we separated once first period started. The teacher droned on, and I lazily doodled small clouds onto my notebook paper.

I glanced over at Taeyeon, her eyes boring into the back of my head. Gulp. I guess she heard the 'rumors', now did she? I really hoped not. Remind me to check if I have any more stalkers around lunch. I glanced to my left, spying Baekhyun.

He was busy scribbling down notes in what seemed to be slightly illegible handwriting. His tongue poked out from between his lips, and his dark orbs were trained on the paper. His blond/pink hair drooped down in front of his eyes, which just made him all the more cute.

"Miss Song!" I hear a shrill voice call my name. My head snaps up to greet the purple face of my teacher, her glasses pushed precariously up her nose, and her teeth gritted together. "I've called your name at least five times already, now would you please quit daydreaming and pay attention? This will be on your test."

I gulped, pretending to be nervous. "Yes, ma'am." In reality I was mentally cursing her out, and once she turned around I glared lasers at her, flipping her off under the table.

I could see Baekhyun glancing my way, his eyes dropping down to my hand, and a smirk stretching across his lips. My face was probably beet red by now, but the other kids would most likely think that it was from the 'humiliation' of being caught distracted.

I glanced over at Taeyeon, who wore a smug, evil grin across her face.


I left class after the period was over, thankful to have at least a decent amount of notes written. I'll probably have to ask Baek to borrow his notes once we get home. I flinched at that. Once we get home. I was really getting used to this, but the fact that I'm living with a boy at 17 really sent tingles down my spine. It was just... weird.

I was halfway down the hallway when I felt nails sink into my wrist, almost talon like. I look down to see pink, manicured claws wrapped around my tiny wrist and followed the pale arm up to the seizing face of Taeyeon. "Song," she sneered.

"Kim," I sneered back. "Really want to do this here?"

She gave a surprised look, before flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder and dragging me behind her. I yank my arm back, "I can lead myself, I'm not a rag doll." She rolls her eyes as we walk to the back of the building.

You must be wondering, why am I so willing to follow her when she could easily murder me without witnesses? Well, you see, I'm not scared. Plus, she doesn't exactly have the balls to do that. Bitch or not, she's not boss enough to be down with murder.

Also, I have a pair of extra large scissors stuffed in my backpack for just in case purposes.

Once we got to the back of the building she screamed, "Man stealing whore!" She swung her arm at me for a slap, but I easily caught it, her talons threatening to scratch my face like a drunken baboon.

"Calm your tits, psychotic bitch," I said. This is how I normally greet her whenever adults aren't around. It's catchy, and it rhymes! "I didn't steal Baekhyun if that's what you think. I just offered to be his friend." Well, I did offer to be his friend. And I didn't steal him, we were both forced into the relationship.

"But it's good that you decided to do this in private, instead of make a dramatic scene as you typically do, y'know, like what you screeched at Baekhyun yesterday," I wore a smug smile.

She narrowed her eyes at me, her mascaraed lashes threatening to make her pupils seem all the more demonic. "Hmph. As if Bacon would go for an ugly shit like you."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now