Chapter Twenty-Five- Realizations

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It was currently Friday, and I had just finished the vocal practice for the competition. Since I signed up for three things, acting, singing, and dancing, I had to have a lot of practice on said practice days.

I ran to the other room to find Amber's rapping practice, and she was there. The entire school is still hyped up about the competition since it's our first time competing. So that means we'll have to make a good first impression.

"Amber-shi!" I sang out, trying to find her.

"Hm? Sarang-ah, are you going to the party tonight? I think that guy ZiTao is hosting it," she calls over to me, wiping her forehead with a rag.

"You mean the transfer student I've heard so much about?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah him, you going?"

"Sure, I'll ask Baek if he can come too," I nod.

ZiTao was one of the more so popular transfers, with his good looks and great skills in the martial arts, he instantly became a fangirl's favorite. Plus he has the tendency to curse in English.

"Sweet, I'm sure Krystal will want to go. You see her at vocal practice?"

"Yeah, I think she left to get her backpack, though."

"That's cool. Want to visit that bubble tea shop nearby?"

I swear to God if I see HunHan again I'll lock the two up in a closet.

"Yeah, yeah, that's cool. Want to invite Xiudaddy and Baek?" I ask her.

"Yeah, tag them along," she nods.

"Great," I mutter, heading out. I eventually find Baekhyun, still in the vocal practice room. Some fangirls were gushing over him.

"Hey, Baek!" I call out. He turns and greets me with a cheery smile. "Want to go to the bubble tea shop nearby with Xiu, Krystal, and Amber?"

He nods, "Sure, sounds fun."

He gathers his stuff and soon enough we're ready to go. We walk down the hallway, and I get quiet. "Hey Baek... what if I... I don't know... tell the others?"

"Tell them what?" he asked.

"You know... about us... about our parents..."

"Oh," he sucks in a breath. "Well, it's fine with me, if you think you're ready."

I nod, "Arasso, maybe I'll tell them over tea."

The idea made my heart pound. Should I really go through with it? Tell them a secret I've kept for four years? How would they react? Mad? Shocked? Confused?

We eventually met up with Amber and Krystal, Xiumin tagging closely behind.

"Minseok-shi! What took you so long?" Krystal asked.

"You know I don't like that name," he whined. "And I was talking to a friend. Now let's go, I'm hungry from practice!"

We got to the bubble tea shop, and thankfully I saw no sign of HunHan. The magazines on the rack and the people at the booths made me feel right at home. We got a table, all five of us sitting comfortably.

"So, Baekhyun-shi, are you used to this school now that you've been here for, what, two weeks?" Amber asks, tapping away on her phone. Probably something to her parents since they always pester her.

"Yeah, I think I've got it down," he smiled.

I take a breath, I'm going to tell them. "Guys, there's something I've been keeping a secret from you."

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now