Chapter Six- Friendly Inconveniences

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I woke up, stretching upwards and yawning. I stretched my arms above my head, the sunlight seeping out from the window. I scratched my head, my fingers trailing through the knots. Since when did I get such a good sleep?

I looked down to see a snoring Baekhyun, his pink lips parted and half of his face buried into the pillow. His blond and pink hair was messily scattered across the pillow, framing his face perfectly. I smiled, man he's beautiful. I decided to do something nice and make him breakfast.

After combing my hair, getting changed, and brushing my teeth, I started making scrambled eggs and bacon. I hope he eats them.

I looked at the bacon, snickering. Bacon. Baekhyun. They sound pretty similar. I made the breakfast and set it up with a glass of orange juice, putting his plate next to mine to eat on the countertop. I looked over to the clock. It seems that I had woken up a bit before lunch. Man, we slept in!

I crept back into the bedroom, sitting on the bed. Would he be mad that I woke him up? I sort of wanted to hit him with a pillow, just to see what would happen. I resisted the urge, and gently shook his shoulder. He snorted, his eyes opening and adjusting to the light.

"Morning, Baekhyun-oppa," I said. "I let you sleep in a bit. Want breakfast?"

He tiredly got up, stretching. "Mm, morning, Sarang-ah," he said in a husky, tired voice

He climbed out of bed, his loose PJ bottoms hanging by his hips. I blushed, distracting myself. "I hope you like bacon and eggs."

"Bacon...?" he wondered to himself.

I snickered. He raised an eyebrow at me, "What's so funny?" I waved him off, "Nothing."

"No, tell me," he commanded.

I was still sleepy, so I suppose I wasn't in the right mind when I decided to tell him. "Your name sounds like bacon!"

He groaned. "Just for the love of God, don't make it my pet name."

I blushed at the 'pet name' and laughed in an almost drunken manner. "Why not?"

"My ex called me Bacon. Never really cared for the name," Baekhyun mumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly. What a tired pair we were.

I tensed up at the word 'ex'. But why would I? I mean, it was his ex. Even I've got an ex or two. Hell, I see them every day at my school. Was I jealous? But I don't love him. And he's engaged to me. So I should have to reason to be jealous. Unless while we are married he cheats on me with said girl. Or he falls back in love with her and decides to call off the contract.

Oh God, I was feeling stressed again. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and immediately Baekhyun jumps over to my side, highly alert. His hands gently wrap around my arms, and his intense gaze was looking worriedly towards mine. "What's wrong? Are you having another headache?" he asks.

"No, it's fine. Wait, how did you-- never mind," I mutter, letting go of my nose.

Baekhyun looks down at my outfit, "Hey, where's your penguin PJ's?"

I furrowed my brows, confused. "Wait... how did you know I had penguin pajamas?"

He coughed nervously, "Let's get to the bacon and eggs, shall we? The shouldn't go could!"

He left the room to go to the kitchen, suddenly more alert. I shook my head to myself. "Byuntae Baekhyun, that's what you are." I think that's going to be his new nickname, it seems to suit him. I followed him to the kitchen, where he was already munching on the eggs.

"These are really good, Sarang-ah!" he compliments. I bow, "Glad you like them, oppa." I begin chewing slowly, making sure to eat ladylike. Man, how I'd really like to just eat like a slob. But I suppose I'll just wait for whenever he's out with friends or something to actually do that.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now