Chapter Thirty-Eight- Christmas Charisma

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Lay stood in front of me, arms outstretched. A dark aura surrounded him in a mysterious way, and his smile was one I had never seen before. He had heavy bags under his eyes and seemed to be wearing a doctor's outfit, a stethoscope on his neck and light blue scrubs. His soft brown eyes had tears in them, giving me a sad look. He gave a weak smile and flashed his dimples.

"Lay?" I stared at him curiously, cocking my head to the side.

"This is my dream, Sarang. I want to help people. You want me to give it all up, for you, right?" he asked me, still smiling at me. "Want me to throw my dreams away?"

I looked around. There was nothing put white surrounding us, and I glanced behind me, seeing a mirror. I was fifteen again. Just like that day he abandoned me. The day I thought he betrayed me. I looked at his reflection through the mirror, and saw he too, was fifteen.

Only in the reflection, though.

I glanced back to Lay, tears escaping his eyes. Not once did I see Lay cry. He was a lot better than I ever was when it came to holding it in.

His arms were still outstretched. "Want me to give it away, to be with you?"

I walked calmly over to him, showing no emotion. Why was I so heartless at the moment? I was forcing him to give up his lifelong dream. But somehow, it felt as if that was what was expected of him. He was supposed to, after all, wasn't his girlfriend more important?

To abandon me would be... betrayal.

I shook the thoughts away. Why was I acting like this? It's not betrayal. It wasn't betrayal when he left. It was life. Yet why did I feel so disappointed? So... expectant? So unshocked?

I reminisced over the old memories of what I felt. I don't know why, but back then I did feel betrayed.

I smiled coldly at Lay, my stare empty. Was I really this heartless and spoiled back then to expect a normal human like me to give up his dreams for some young love? Was I really like this when I was 15?

I dove into his arms, embracing the warmth. Then I felt something hot running down my back, and sharp pain from there. It was starting to swell, to ache. It was throbbing in pain, piercing down and scraping bone and tearing tissue.

I hurriedly looked up with a shocked look on my face, staring wide-eyed. My eyes locked with Baekhyun's as he gave me an unforgiving glare, his hand still on my back, tightly gripping the knife that was lodged into my back.

The embrace was starting to become forceful, and I whispered a quiet, "Wae?" to Baekhyun.

He yanked the knife from my back, blood splattering from behind me and getting onto the white floors.

"This is what you're afraid of, Sarang," Baekhyun growled. "That I'll be just like him, and betray you."

I stayed quiet, my knees getting wobbly as I sank to the ground. Blood trickled down my back, and I stared blankly at Baekhyun.

"Lay didn't betray me, Baekhyun," I whispered quietly, my eyes meeting his cold ones. "He hurt me, he broke me, but he didn't betray me. And neither will you."

Baekhyun showed no emotion, and I glanced back at the mirror, noticing it was still fifteen year old Lay. I smiled softly, turning back to Baekhyun. "I trust you, Baekhyun," I said softly. "I'm not afraid anymore."

"Sarang! SARANG!" I was awoken by Baekhyun, who gave me a death grip by the shoulders.

Oh thank God, it was all a dream. Some stupid nightmare. I was confused, though, to why I was on our balcony. "Baek?" I mumbled softly. "Care to explain why you're holding me and we're outside on our balcony?"

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now