Chapter Forty-Three- Brother

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It was after school, and I was currently fussing over the dress I was wearing. I was wearing the black, gray, and white dress that Chanyeol picked out when we first hung out. It seems as if were years ago, but it's hard to believe that it was just a few short months ago. Black, gray, and white were Baekhyun's favorite colors anyway.

I smoothed the skirt down, checking out the black pumps I was wearing. It felt weird, like I was going to a business meeting. But this time I just had to impress my crush's parents... who were also CEO's of the other half of Seoul. I fingered the fabric, gnawing on my lip as well.

Why am I overthinking this? They set me up with him! Still, I felt an urge to impress them, though I've had plenty of meetings with them.

I sucked in a breath, running a hand through my curls. I've never done them myself before, but I think I did a good job. It felt weird getting dressed up without Sunny setting up my outfit for me and makeup pressed to my face.

"Sarang?" Baekhyun asked through the door. "You ready?"

"Yeah..." I say, smoothing imaginary wrinkles and staring back in the mirror once again. Was I pretty? I am a model technically... then again... Aish! I'm overthinking!

I opened the door and heard Baekhyun suck in a breath. I paled, "Do I look that bad?"

"Bad? N-No! A-Aniya! I mean... have I ever told you look beautiful?" he asked, flustered.

My eyes were wide, "Uh, I don't think so..."

"Well you look frickin' gorgeous right now, Sarang," he smiled, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

I blushed, "Gomawo."

"Nervous?" he asked me, taking my hand was we walked to the elevator.

"Ne," I squeaked.

He rolled his eyes, chuckling. "Trust you to get nervous when meeting people you've met hundreds of times before, but not when you're clobbering someone on the head."

"Tch," I chuckled.

"I'll use my second wish," Baekhyun grinned.

I raised an eyebrow, "Alright, what is it?"

"I wish to kiss you," he cheekily smiled, his eyes becoming cute crescents.

I rolled my eyes, smiling as we stepped into the elevator and pressing a button to the ground floor. "You know you don't have to wish for that," I laugh, pulling him in. "But your wish is my command."

Our lips met in a sweet embrace, and I felt him pull me against him. He smiled, closing his eyes as I followed.

Thoughts flew through my mind, thoughts of how far it took for us to get to this level, to even kiss. I thought back to our first kiss, from the party where we were both drunk out of our minds, but I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. It set off the spiral of everything, and it's probably one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I thought back to when I first met him, how scared I was he would hate me. I remember back to when we first moved in together, and how we were both so nervous and awkward. Then back when he introduced me to his friends, and how I introduced him to mine. Also that time Taeyeon freaked out because Baekhyun was at school, and how upset I was that I introduced Channie to the wreck room.

Then Chen came along to replace his appa, giving me humor between rides that I needed. Then I began classes with Kai, the bad-boy who was intrigued by me with gentle curiousity. Then of course, Taeyeon felt the need to fight me. We found out that Baekhyun and Chen were childhood friends, and then we had the photoshoot. Then of course, childhood friend and ex Lay came in to comfort me after Taeyeon pulled a nasty trick to steal a kiss from Baekhyun. That brought about the spiral where Baekhyun fought Lay.

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