Chapter Forty-Six- Rags to Richies

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I stepped inside the bubble tea shop, the bell ringing as I opened the door. I saw Xiumin smile over at me, scooting over to give me a seat. Krystal and Amber were looking through another magazine, flipping through a few pages. Kai had his arm wrapped securely around Kyungsoo as they flipped through a magazine as well.

I felt a pang in my chest as I saw them. They probably had everything going a lot smoother than I was. I felt an urge to have Baekhyun wrap his arm around me, but considering the terms we're on now I don't think it's happening soon.

I sighed, pulling up a smile. My boyfriend wasn't here yet.

It still felt so weird referring to him like that. Boyfriend. He was also my fiance, but something sounded so much better as boyfriend. It made it sound like we were in a normal relationship, like we were normal teenagers.

In only one more month he would be eighteen, and in June I'd be eighteen as well.

I sat next to Xiumin, smiling as I looked over to my friends. When was I going to tell them?

"What issue are you looking at?" I asked Krystal and Amber as they flipped another page.

"Hawaii theme," Amber mumbled, going through the page. "Don't you ever get tired doing this?"

I shrugged, "Business is business."

"Let's get to business," Kai slapped his magazine on the table, staring at me.

I raised an eyebrow, unalarmed about what he was saying. "What do you need to know?" I knew when he was like this he wanted to get information, and most of the time he can't since I'm with Baekhyun, who should be here soon.

"Alright, how long have you liked Baekhyun?" Krystal leaned in, elbows on the table as she stared at me. "I mean, you denied it before. But of course, for good reason."

"Sasaengs," Xiumin nodded, the one word explaining all he needed.

"And Taeyeon," Kyungsoo added, his owl eyes never leaving the magazine.

"Well, I guess I thought he was cute when he first walked through the doors..." I said, fingering one of the magazines as I stared at my cheeky smile. It was kind of weird, seeing myself on billboards and magazines. It was... surreal.

"Cute?" Kai gave me an oh-really look, as if to say just cute?

D.O lightly slapped his boyfriend's shoulder, giving him a glare that could kill.

"Careful with what you're saying Jongin," I snickered. "You don't want to release Satansoo, now do you?"

He rubbed his arm, giving his boyfriend a glare. Apparently, that slap wasn't that soft. "I swear, you two have two different sides."

"That's not the question," Amber interrupted. "When did you start liking him?"

I blinked, a bit hesitant. Do I tell them the truth? "I guess... I guess I started having a crush on him when he started getting mad at Kai-shi. Back when he pulled me away from Kai-ah, I just thought... Well, I guess I just started having feelings. Right after that, we had a talk, and I guess I just found my heart racing. Since then, I suppose I developed a 'thing' for him."

Kai laughed, slapping the table. "I wanted to see how he'd react to me attempting to drag Sarang-shi away from him, and boy, was he pissed. He looked like he wanted to murder me right then and there."

Everyone around the table let out a light chuckle, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Is that what possessed you to kiss him back at that party?" Xiumin asked me, his baozi cheeks fluffy as he grinned at me.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now