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The plane finally landed down in Hawaii, and they were told to board off the plane. Sarang smiled over to her beloved Baekhyun, chuckling at him. "It's our honeymoon, Baek!" she giggled.

He grinned, kissing her on the cheek as they got up, "Excited?"

"Tch, how could I not?" Sarang snorted, getting up. "We've got two whole weeks to ourselves! No businesses, no interrupting calls, just you, me, and Hawaii~!" Baekhyun laughed at her childish, yet adorable behavior.

He wrapped an arm around her as she dragged the suitcase from the small compartment, "Of course, love. It'll be blissful!"

"Can't be too sure, though, trouble seems to look for us," Sarang snickered as she pulled out the part that permitted her to roll the bag.

"More like you look for it," Baekhyun corrected. "Otherwise known as you trying to pick a fight."

While that part was true. In her high school years, Sarang would play endless pranks on the ex of her now husband. The girl was rather snotty, though, with the name of Kim Taeyeon. She was a girl who thought of herself as a superior in every way and was rather relentless to get her precious 'Bacon' back.

Though, it wasn't with just Taeyeon Sarang got herself into trouble with. When she ran after their dear friend, Kai, and got attacked. Or perhaps when she got into a fight with a mafia leader? Either way, Sarang was a magnet for trouble.

"Or me trying to escape a mafia," Sarang shook her head as they walked on out.

Baekhyun wasn't a stranger to trouble either. When he got caught up in the mafia conflict and ran after Sarang in a fiery building, or perhaps when he fell off the back of a boat and Sarang had to practically bring him back to life, or even when he started provoking a fight with Sarang's own ex.

So, like previously stated, he wasn't exactly innocent either.

They were greeted by tan beauties in grass skirts, who hung flower necklaces around their necks. Whilst Baekhyun and Sarang were fluent in many languages from their business families, neither knew much Hawaiian. Though both happily greeted the girls with bright faces and a cheery, "Aloha!"

The couple arrived at their hotel, purely happy as they got their luggage and settled in the penthouse. "Oh, Baek, isn't the view beautiful?" asked Sarang as she peered at the blue waves.

"Uh, the view's over here," Baekhyun pointed to himself. He was being his usual self, the right balance of self-confidence and childish behavior. It was Baekhyun, in a sense.

Sarang glanced back at him and scoffed, "Gee, why'd I marry you?" Though she could name a thousand reasons why.

"Because you love me," Baekhyun cooed, walking behind her to back hug her as they peered at the ocean.

"I won't deny that," she snickered. "But don't ruin the honeymoon phase while we're on our honeymoon."

"We're always on honeymoon phase," Baekhyun teased, his long fingers tracing up her waist in a taunting manner. "Remember?" he rasped huskily in her voice.

She giggled in response. Yes, they spent their first night as one on their wedding night, and to say the experience was magical would be an understatement. They haven't gotten rest from each other, and it wasn't like either party was complaining.

"Oh, please, of course I do," she giggled. Baekhyun whined in her ear, and she shooed him away, muttering quickly, "We've got a busy schedule! You'll have to be patient, arasso?"

The two set out for a tour, putting on their best 'cringe-worthy tourists' outfits and setting off. Their tour guide introduced new and exciting places, from sacred to haunted, to creepy to beautiful, and so on and so on. Everything seemed spectacular and wonderful in the couple's eyes as they absorbed their surroundings.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now