Chapter Nine- Song of Sleep

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We waved goodbye Baekhyun's friends when they left. We were currently back in our apartment, and he and I made some pretty good purchases. I felt a bit more open, a bit closer to him. I glanced over to him, and he gave me a grin.

"So, what's your favorite purchase?" he asked me.

"Probably a dress Chanyeol-oppa picked out, you?"

"The new uniform, definitely," he smiled, holding it up. It had a black coat with white lines on the trim, along with a white button up, paired with a striped tie and black pants.

 It had a black coat with white lines on the trim, along with a white button up, paired with a striped tie and black pants

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"I'm sure you'll like it at my school," I nodded. "Most people there are friendly."

"Most?" he speculated. I pursed my lips, my thoughts running to Taeyeon. No doubt after her break up she'll start hunting for a new man, like Baekhyun. Would he ditch her for me since she'll undoubtedly fly to him the minute he walks through the door.

"Every school has a few... unpleasant personalities," I murmur. That was an understatement, Taeyeon was more comparable to a hyena. She once shoved a girl who couldn't swim into the pool because she was flirting with Taeyeon's ex. Taeyeon just laughed when someone eventually rescued the poor, shivering girl. The girl seemed so mortified by her near death experience that she transferred the day after.

"Ah, I see," he said. Was that a bead sweat on his temple? He couldn't be... nervous, could he? Even when he first met me he seemed charismatic.

I blushed at the memory of him holding my hands. I looked back to him, a worried expression on his face. "Are you... nervous?" I asked, concerned. I didn't want him to feel insecure about the situation, so I decided to use my words carefully. I heard that for some guys that if you suggested they were scared that their ego would either grow or pop like a balloon.

"Me? Nervous? No, no. I'll be fine," he laughed.


I pulled up a sweet smile, not wanting to invade his personal space. If he didn't want to open up to me, that's fine. I don't want to be too pushy. "Alright, well we can both order our cars from our drivers for tomorrow. Since we should keep the engagement a secret, it'd be best to blow off suspicions. And, driving home together would be a bit suspicious. Are you alright with that?"

He nodded, "Yeah, sounds like a good plan."

I bowed, exiting the room until I heard, "Are you ashamed of me?"

I stopped in my tracks underneath the archway of the door. "What?"

"I asked, are you ashamed of me?" he repeated.

I turned around to give him a confused look. "Why would I ever be ashamed of you?"

"You act as if you don't want anyone to know you're with me, that we know each other," he murmurs. I take a look at him. His pink and blond bangs were hanging low, hiding his gaze from mine. He was wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, and his elbows were supporting his leaning stance on the countertop.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now