Chapter Seventeen- Photoshoot Phonies

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Eyyy... Seventeen!

OK, I'll stop now.

I waited for Baekhyun to show up already. Man, what was taking him and Chen so long? Sex? I tapped my foot. Sunny already made me over, and I looked like a Korean, non-white-washed Barbie doll. Here I was, in a pink sundress, and flowers in my hair. I was trying furiously not to bite my lip and ruin my lipgloss, or trip in the heels.

I sighed, flashing another smile for the camera. Right now we had to do individual, but then towards the time of the wedding they were going to release 'teaser pictures' to the media of me and Baekhyun's photoshoot, slowly focusing it from what will be the blurred state until the day of the wedding.

Apparently, the other business people find this stuff to be quite fascinating, and it gets a holler from the general public. Currently, my back hurt, and I've been forced to change four times, change makeup ten times for close-ups, and my hair's been played with so much my skull hurts.

I was currently sitting in a chair, pretending to drink a smoothie that tasted like cardboard. Cardboard! I mean, I've only tasted it from a dare, but it sure as hell tastes like this! I was tempted to spit it out, but instead, I decided to put up with it.

We were eventually greeted my Baekhyun, who was immediately grabbed by Sunny and her group of transformers. Out stepped Baekhyun, as made up and glamorous as ever. Though, frankly, I didn't think he needed makeup. His rolled up long sleeve button up fit snugly onto his torso, and his clean pants were free of wrinkles.

With his hair dangling in front of one eye in a seductive matter, I could see immediately why my parents wanted us to do a photoshoot so badly. Not that I'm saying I want to do this, I just felt awkward, uncomfortable, and stiff.

Baekhyun nonchalantly sat down next to me and was immediately handed a drink. He was about to raise it to his lips when I placed my hand on his knee in warning. "Do not drink it," I smiled, giggling. The cameras flashed more to capture the posed moment.

He laughed along, winking. "Thanks."

It seemed to go on like that, flirting for the cameras and having pointless chatter. We were once again changed for the next shoot, since we had to do multiple ones. I saw myself in what appeared to be a school uniform, except neater and less wrinkly than the ones I wear.

What can I say? I'm not that pretty, and neither are my clothes.

Baekhyun stepped out in a white button up, the sleeves rolled up to his elbow. A red tie hung around his neck, looser than the one I was wearing. I suppose for the sex appeal they felt that they had to unbutton his shirt a little bit, at least the first two at the top. This time, his hair was completely messed up, but not in the bed head look. Nooooo! They couldn't give me the liberty! Instead, they put it in the hairstyle similar to Jongin's. The (shudder) bad boy hair. 

You know what I mean. The messed up as if too perfect to NOT be on purpose hair. That's what he had!

"Alright kiddos! So for today we'll be having you do this pose!" They showed us a picture of a girl bending back and using her support on her left foot, and holding the tie of the other boy to pull him closer, his bod basically hovering over hers. Their faces looked as if they were inches apart, and the pose looked a bit uncomfortable to perform.

I sighed, "Sure thing." We got in front of the set, which this time was just a white backdrop. I leaned back, using my support from my left leg, which was stepped back one. I pulled on Baekhyun's tie, pulling his face nearer to mine. I let out a smirk, which I felt would be good for the cameras.

He gave me a piercing stare, letting out a cheesy grin. Believe me, people, usually it's awkward, but for me I was just experiencing what might as well me normal for me now. Sexual tension. Yup. When you've got a boy's body so close to being pressed against yours, and his face inches from yours, and you may or may not have a crush on him, you'll have the undeniable urge to kiss him.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now