Chapter Thirty-Nine- Misunderstanding

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"Tao's hosting another party," Baekhyun mumbled, looking down at his phone. I turned to him, looking up from my notepad where I wrote down the various notes of gifts we received.

"Don't you remember what happened that night?" I chewed my lower lip, blushing back at the thought of my first kiss. The hickeys took a few days to disappear, but his mark on me certainly didn't.

"Yeah, but we had our first kiss! And sure, a few hickeys here and there. The worst that could happen is..." he looked to me, giving a pervy grin and wiggling his eyebrows.

I smack his arm, sending a glare to the brunet. "Jeez, if that even happens, would you really want it to be while we're wasted and at a party where someone could walk in?"

"So you were thinking about it?" His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "I didn't think girls thought about sex."

I rolled my eyes, blushing as he said the word. "We think about it just as much as guys honestly."

"Really? When?" The puppy seemed so surprised, you'd think the conversation was about something else.

"Uh..." I thought. "Well, when you get pervy thoughts, I guess. Or when you're... y'know... turned on? I don't know!"

Baekhyun nodded, processing the information. "Hey, Sarang, have you ever gotten turned on by me?"

I jumped up into the covers of the bed we were sitting on, blushing madly. "Y-You don't just ask that kind of stuff! Byuntae Baekhyun!" I stammered wildly, chewing on my lip.

"So that's a yes?" he gave me a smug look.

"What, you ever get turned on by me?" I challenge, trying to get him flustered as well.

"All the time," he answered bluntly.

I rolled my eyes, "Gee, don't act so embarrassed about it. W-Wait wha--?"

He snickered at me, pinching my cheek. "Awe! My little Sarang is so cute getting flustered! Just admit you do!"

"Ani!" I deny, whining. "And let go of my cheek, yah!"

He quickly tackled me in the covers, causing me to squeal and whine at the event of being captured. Soon his body was on top of mine, and he was kissing me hungrily. I melt into it, but he leaves too quickly and doesn't let me savor the moment.

He grins, his eyes giving me that I'm-having-dirty-thoughts-right-now look. "You kissed back," he purred.

I give him that are-you-serious look. "I kiss back every time you kiss me if you haven't noticed."

The intimate position was warm and heated, especially with him between my legs. But somehow it just seemed comfortable, plus we were fully clothed.

"Just admit you get turned on by me," he teased.

"Ani!" I whine. "Gee, were you always this heavy?"

"Yah! There's nothing wrong with getting turned on by your boyfriend."

I bopped his nose, "There isn't, but the fact is you're not my boyfriend, now are you?"

"I'm your soon-to-be husband, doesn't that count for something?" he whined.

I wet my lips, poking my tongue between my lips to tease him. "Nope!"

"Wow, you're so difficult," he muttered.

"I know," I mumbled. "Now just give me what I want already."

"Hm? And what's that, love?" he rasped in a low, husky voice, his lips mumbling against the crook of my neck and his finger trailing up and down my waist.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now