Chapter Twenty-Three- Dad Meets Doom

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It was the middle of class on a dreary Monday. I twirled a pencil in my left hand, gazing with a bored expression as my teacher droned on about absolutely nothing.

It was one of those days that Kai attended class, which was not very often honestly. Other than his fangirls gushing over his devilishly handsome good looks, there was something else that reminded me of his presence.

A loud buzzing was heard from his phone, and he fished it out, clearly ignoring the teacher's dirty looks for his disruption of class.

"Annyeoung?" he spoke into the phone. I couldn't hear what the person said, but I heard something panicked and muffled. Whatever it was, it completely drained the color from Kai's tan face, his expression one I could only describe as panic.

He quickly bustled up, his usually threatening and cold demeanor vanishing with a sense of absolute trepidation. He grabbed his bag, quickly running out of the room without a word. I followed, concerned. What's wrong? Not to be nosy, but it seemed as if something awful happened.

I ran after him as we rushed through the hallways. He was a lot faster than I was and didn't notice my presence behind him. Quickly he ran outside, going over to his motorcycle and stuffing his helmet on top of his head.

He started the engine, turning to zoom off.

I quickly dialed Chen. "CHEN! Get here at school, ASAP!"

I ran after the motorcycle the best I could, and within minutes a car pulled up next to me. "Hop in!" Chen quickly yelled. I opened the door and scrambled in.

"Follow that motorcycle!" I commanded, pointing at the motorcycle in the distance. "I have a bad feeling."

"On it," he zoomed on, following the motorcycle quickly. We zoomed off, eventually dropping off in one of those bad parts of town.

"We lost him," Chen muttered.

"I'll look for him here, I'll call if I need help," I say, unlocking my door.

"This isn't a good part of town, Rich-girl," Chen nervously mumbles.

I get out my scissors, "I can take care of myself, Chen-shi. I'm a big girl now." I wink, gently tapping him with the scissors. "You act a lot like Max sometimes."

"Alright, I'm missing class anyways, but call as soon as you get another bad feeling," Chen mutters. "What's so important about the guy on the motorcycle?"

I shuddered, "I have a bad feeling, Chen-shi. He's a friend, and if anything happens to him I'll be devastated. The same would be for you or Baekhyun." I stuffed the scissors back in my bag.

Chen nodded, "Stay safe."

I nodded, taking a deep breath and getting out. I jogged through the neighborhood, looking around at the scary, shambled buildings. It was all ominous, and creepy. Suddenly a woman dashed out of one door, knocking into me.

She turned to me, a completely insane and panicked look on her face. "M-Mian!" she stuttered, running off. She dashed away, and I heard a bang from the door she ran out of. Out came a man with a bottle of beer in one hand, and a shaking fist pumping up in the air.

"Get back here, you fucking bitch!" he screamed out. His eyes landed on me, a blazing glare turning to me. I start scrambling back, turning over to get up on my feet, but I'm instantly yanked back to the ground as the man yanks on my foot.

My head thunks to the ground, and I'm flipped back on my back, face to face with him. His eyes burned into mine, but not the same was Baek's did. With Baek, it made me want to get closer to him like he was looking into my soul. With this stranger, it seemed like his glazed eyes were examining something else.

Don't Forget Me (Baekhyun Fanfic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now