Girl power

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I slumped down on the couch after packing equipment away when the door went. My eyes rolled to it as the handle went down and Elle walked in.

"Oh just in time." I sighed seeing a bottle of wine in her hand.

"I knew we'd need it." She giggle putting her bag down and getting glasses from the kitchen.

Handing me a glass of white wine I looked at her as she made herself at home- kicking her shoes off, grabbing a blanket for her legs and looking at me with bright eyes waiting.

"I've just worked 9 hours in a restaurant full of boring people. Give it to me sister. I want to know the Deets!"

Rolling my eyes I sighed, I guess I did owe her after covering me today. I explained what happened, leaving out the majority of the details like how big Zak was, does he pull hair? Did I get my ass slapped, did we both hit it?
Yes there was no filter with Elle which only made her funnier.

"So he gave you a dose of his ectoplasm and never gave you breakfast?"

"Ecto- I'll never think of that the same away again." I sighed shaking my head.

"He seriously just left you in his house though?" She asked.

I nodded "I was mostly concerned about being late for work, he could have been in the house but I don't remember. I didn't check the rest of the rooms so.." I shrugged.

"What a jerk. Has he text?"

I shook my head "Let's face it, I was a booty call."

"You're okay with that?" She asked watching my face.

"I didn't say that but what else can so do? I'm not looking for a massive commitment, bu-" I paused frowning.

"He's the first guy you've been with... Since Eric?"

I nodded feeling stupid "I must have been desperate right? What if- oh god, what if he did it out of pity?" I asked.

"Really? You really think he'd do that? Do you regret it?"

"Yes. No. I don't know." I groaned putting my head into my hands.

"Okay.. Would you do it again?" She asked.

"Yes." I answered instantly.

"Then you don't regret it." She smiled sitting back.

I sighed and looked at my glass as I pushed my thumb across the glass. "Three days." Elle said making me look up.


"I said three days before you call him."

My brows furrowed "I thought that was when he gave you his number?"

"Do you want my advice?" She asked quickly.

"Yes. Only if it's nice advice and not stop being a hussy." I replied.

"Oh please, I broke up with Ryan, in that same week I bedded 2 other men. One being his best friend." She answered casually making me blink.


"They weren't that good of friends, trust me. Probably the worst lay in my life but important..." She stated making me wonder how sleeping with a guys friend can be important.

"I suppose he got his ass kicked by Ryan?"

"Nope. They are best buddies.. Still."

"You said they weren't that good of friends.. How do you mean?"

"Ah, well. After I slept with Jack, Ryan's friend. Those two become best of friends. It's only a matter of time before one of them slip up and reveal the truth. Jack always tried it on with me whenever I was over Ryan's place. It was as regular as the seasons."

"But Jack won't get his ass kicked? Isn't there a code with the boys like girl code?"

"No, they can be animals at times. Jack is twice the size of Ryan.. And I'm not talking about girth." She giggled making me shake my head.

"You're so bad." I commented.

"Damn straight. Kay, you just need to get back in the hose and ride. When I say horse, I mean dick by the way." Elle laughed.

"Why are you so crude?" I swatted her

"Because it makes you laugh. Look, something probably come up and he had to go. Or he was in a complete different part of the house and didn't realise you had left."

"What even now?" I asked scoffing.

"He probably thinks you regret it?"

That thought made me pause "Oh."

"Exactly, you said you didn't want anything serious and he probably didn't either, so I don't see what the problem is here?"

"I just feel a little.. Oh I don't know." I huffed.

"Get over it. It's done. Now tell me about this guy, Matt?"

I shrugged "Just some guy, a nice guy actually. Seems caring enough, probably just doing his job."

"By taking the taxi drivers name? Tsk.. I didn't take you as naïve."

"I'm not."

"Uh huh." She rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, I need a pee. Order some food will you?" I asked getting off the couch and heading into the bathroom.

As I left the bathroom I noticed my bedroom door open and Elle in my wardrobe. "Spill ya wine?" I asked as she threw a dress into the bed.

"Nope! We're going out tonight."

Out? Me? "El-"

"Nope! Don't even try and worm your way out of this, we are going out and that's final. You're going to mope about wondering why ghost boy didn't give you pancakes and that is enough to make me microwave my own head. Now come on, let's get ready... You still owe me."

I rolled my eyes before grabbing my glass of wine from the lounge. "No strip clubs."

She whined and pouted "But I thought you loved sticking a grubby dollar in a strippers G-string?"

"I seriously need new friends." I sighed hip bumping her out of my wardrobe and finding something that doesn't make me look like I've walked off a street corner.

"Why not the red dress?" She asked lifting it up.

"Far too short but I'm a clothes hoarder and refuse to let it go... Just yet." I replied picking out a navy dress I smiled until Elle snatched it.

"SHOTGUN! Wear the black one! You know I love you in the black dress, makes you curved than ever." She grinned.

"Fine." I sighed and placed it on the bed whist she fiddled around with the stereo, finding out my iPod was in there she found our playlist.

"Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want!" Elle sang making me laugh and join in. This was our song!

"So tell me what you want, what you really really want?!" I sang back.

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want!"

"So tell me what you want, what you really really want?!"

"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!"

"Really really really wanna zigazig ha!!" We both sang loudly before we burst out laughing at each other.

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