So why are we here?

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Few weeks later....

"You ready?!" I shouted from the lounge to Zak.

"I'm almost done!" He called back. We were already late leaving and he was still getting ready.

"How can it take so long to do hair? You've been doing the same style for years." I muttered.

"Cause it has to look perfect." He spoke making me look around.

Seeing his hair done and him in a crisp black shirt I sighed and ran my hands over his chest.

"No, absolutely not.." He spoke taking my hands off him.


"No, you said we are late so put those bedroom eyes away." He said picking up our bags.

I huffed behind him and followed him out, we had dropped Gracie to his moms last night with the intentions of leaving early, only we were running late.

Standing outside Zak looked at me and put the cases down just to throw up his hands. "They aren't even here yet."

"Oh drop the attitude, your hair was fine when you first did it, but you're so camera hungry you had to make sure it was."

The words camera hungry made him gasp and turn to me annoyed.

"Look at you.. All masculine and sexy. Makes me sick." I added as he smirked putting on his shades.

"I make you a lot of things but sick isn't one."

I sucked my cheeks in refusing to answer to that. Seeing the grey RV I went to take my case when Zak planted a kiss on my cheek and swiped the bag up at the same time.

"You think you're slick as fuck." I said looking at him.

"I know I am." He winked as it pulled up.

"Hey! Ready to hit the road?!" Aaron asked hanging out the passenger window.

"Dude I hope the doors locked or you're gonna bust another knee falling out the thing." I said causing him to back up and push the lock down before hanging back out with a grin.

I opened the door went in sitting on the couch as Zak shoved the cases in the compartment space under the RV. "He okay?" Bacon asked.

"He's a jerk.. Just an incredibly handsome jerk." I replied as Zak came in smiling.

"Waddup dawg?" He asked Bacon who laughed and replied the exact same.

After a conversation of what is actually up, we hit the road and headed for Montana. I had sense and went to the back for some sleep in this 10 hour drive. But as I was just about to go off, the TV flicked on and Zak huffed down beside me eating potato chips loudly.

"Is there anything you do quiet?" I asked amused.

"Chip?" He offered crunching one.

I took one and sat up looking at the TV whilst he flicked through aimlessly. Finding Star Wars he grinned and made himself comfortable by the window.

I should have seen it.. But I didn't as Aaron almost crushed me racing to sit beside me to watch it.

"Oh shit, sorry," he laughed as I rubbed my leg from his clown feet.

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