She's back.

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I rolled over in the bed and sighed in content at Kaylee, her brown hair draped across her shoulder and around her face. Those plump lips parted slightly as she slept. My mind went back to the moments we were together, the way she fell back into her old self as she took control, throwing her head back and locking out fingers together. Calling and moaning my name when I tried to assert control, the way she pinned my wrists to the bed fighting me for dominance. It was only then I realised that she needed to feel in control, she needed to be able to control her body after everything and if she wanted to stop at a certain second than she could.

I looked back at her and wondering if for a second this was a dream, so I did 2 things, I lifted the bedding and counted 2 naked bodies, I then pinched myself to believe that I was awake. Good news, I was awake.

I picked up my phone and swipe across unlocking it when I was met with the camera. A smirk filled my face, clicking on the pictures I found photos of us. Nothing explicit, just of us together, kissing, cuddling, ever photo we took had no real nudity the most you saw was either my chest or Kaylee's back or shoulder. The smirk? Well because in those photos we were very much up to no good, it's just nobody could see that. They were for our entertainment only.

The little vixen was back, the feisty Sheila was there, she had just taken a small vacation. Kissing her hand that had been on my chest I slipped out of bed and went into the bathroom.

After picking up the things that we had swiped across the floor and setting things back straight I looked in the mirror at myself and turned to check my back, a few scratches where there but they were nothing compared to what I had done to her neck.... Fingers crossed she doesn't go mad.

I spun back around and went to put the shower on when Kaylee stumbled in sleepily, with a pillow against her chest and rubbing her eye.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked as she grumbled.

"Let's get in the shower, check out is soon." I informed her, she growled and rubbed her eye harder before whining.

"My eye."

I turned around and removed her hand to see that an eye lash was on it. "Eyelash, stay still and I can probably get it."

She froze as I carefully removed it with my pinky. "Got it." I smiled showing her.

"Thank you." She mumbled and went to disappear when I cleared my throat and pointed to the shower.


"In the RV." I answered earning myself a groan. Tossing the pillow back onto the bed she walked over to me and cuddled herself into my chest.

I wrapped myself around her and squeezed her naked body slightly before releasing her.

"Thanks for the vamp attack." She mumbled stepping into the shower and waiting for me.

"You mad?" I asked cautiously as I got in.

"No, just annoyed I can't return those cause you are on TV."

"You can return them in kisses.." I suggested. She smiled and hit the shower on. For the first time since being a man I screamed. Yes, I screamed as the water was stone cold and Zak Jr was not having a party in the shower after all. Hell no!

I was out of there quicker than what I was out the clown motel. I wasn't hanging about for that! No!

"Jesus! What the hell!" I moaned grabbing a towel as she giggled behind the screen standing in it.

She's lost her mind? That's got to be the reason..

I watched her chest heavily and her breathing change as she gasped for air before giggling.

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