Prologue- Bad Dreams

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| Friday, July 8 2016 |

"Father, please!"

Hot tears ran down my face. My heart drummed violently in my chest as the guards gripped me tighter. The door flew open and they dragged me through. It was becoming hard to breathe. Panic and fear were consuming me. I messed up. But, I couldn't say I truly regret what I'd done.

I cried out as I was forced to my knees in the middle of the floor. I struggled against the guards trying to break free. Where would I run? They were everywhere. They'd catch me. And even if I escaped, he'd have me hunted down. I'd never be safe.

"Father, please don't do this," I begged. My body trembled in trepidation. I felt weak.

I looked up at him. Straight into his dark eyes. There, I found the absolute hatred and disappointment he held for me.

"As punishment, you will be stripped of your wings and your freedom in this kingdom. Guards." He called for two men who promptly made their way through the doors. It was only him standing up on the platform and yet he was still placing judgement on me.

The men approached me, each holding a sharply serrated saw in their hand. My heartbeat quickened. I heard my pulse thundering in my ears.

I squirmed even more now. "Father, no. Please. I'm sorry! Please, forgive me! Don't do this!"

He only nodded and the two men grabbed hold of my wings. A strident scream left my lungs as they began to saw through them. I cringed and screeched in utter anguish. The pain shot through my veins like acid. I was boiling with pain all the way through. I felt the hot blood dripping down my back. I panted. I coughed and cried all in agony and shock.

The guards let go and I fell onto my elbows trembling like an earthquake. I could barely take air in. My lungs burned. My body ached with harrowing pain.

Seconds later, I felt a torment worse than before on my back as my wounds were then being scorched shut. I screamed once again until I lost the will. My tears now seemed so cool against my feverish skin. Everything was becoming hazy. I couldn't lift myself off the ground to stand and face my father. He did this to me. His own son.

It took all the energy I had left, but I looked up and stared him directly in the eyes, sending back the same hatred he gave me.

"Kim Taehyung, I hereby place judgment on you. You are banned from the heavens for attempted assist in the return of a previously damned angel. As of this moment, you are damned." He rose his staff and I felt the ground disappear from beneath my body, and I began to fall.

(Taehyung's POV)

I shot up from my nightmare. I panted quietly in panic. My body trembled in fear. I looked around in the dark. Jimin was sound asleep in his bed across the room. I got up and walked weakly to the kitchen. My body was hot and I was drenched in sweat from the dream. I filled a shot glass with Soju and downed it quickly. The cool alcohol relieved my insides. With a sigh I filled one more shot and meandered around the furniture to Namjoon and Jin's room. I peeked inside and saw Jin lying asleep peacefully in his bed. I smiled, seeing how precious he looked in that state. I drank the rest of the Soju as I made my way back to my own bed. I lied down and took a deep breath.

Will I ever see the light of heaven again? I pondered that question for what felt like hours before I finally fell back asleep.

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