Fifty Five- Because I Like You

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(Jungkook's POV)

I sat in my room, unwinding from the long day on my feet. I plopped back onto my bed as Ambrosius hopped up next to me. I looked over to him and smiled as he meowed at me. "How did you get in here?"

"Me," I heard the familiar voice. I looked to see Nadine and instantly sat up.

"Here to torture me some more in private?"

"No," she laughed slightly and approached me.

She still wore her dress from today's events. It was a sparkling off-white dress with a straight skirt and a dark brown, leather waist cincher. The shoulders hung slightly low. She looked pretty in it. Definitely not as intimidating.

"Eyes up here, Your Majesty," she smirked at me and pointed at her eyes.

"I wasn't looking anywhere else," I glowered. "Why are you here?" I stood and looked at her. Ambrosius rubbed against my leg as I stood nearly against the bed.

"I came to congratulate you. Everyone is talking about you," she came near. "The handsome king with such a big heart. Such an aspiring future," she smirked. "Quite honestly, I was a bit shocked too. I was a bit weary of you being king, I didn't expect such great things from you."

"Mmm," I growled. But, I couldn't help myself from smirking at her. She'd been with me a lot during my time here. I basically woke up to her and went to sleep to her leaving my bedroom. She knew a lot about me at this point. Even the damn birthmark on my lower back since I wore the most complicated armor for a person to take off on their own. She made me wear them on purpose, I was sure of it. "So disappointing to see you have such little faith in me," I teased her.

I watched her cheeks turn slightly red as she scanned herself in the mirror. "I apologize, my king," she turned and bowed to me.

What? I approached her. Was she blushing? Her. Of all people. She was blushing. I scooped my finger under her chin and pulled her up to look at me. "Now you behave so shyly? Why?"

"Because, I no longer have to take away your soft skin," she explained. "You've hardened the way any king needs to be for such a job."

"Oh please," I scoffed. "You enjoy tormenting me too much for it to be that reason."

She laughed and leaned back against the vanity. "Maybe."

I decided it was my turn to be the playful one and leaned forward, pinning her there. But, what came out of my mouth was out of a complete whim. I didn't know what came over me in that instant. "So, are you saying now that you're done being mean to me, you'll be a good girl and do whatever I say?"

Her eyes widened at me and she shoved me back. "I am older than you, you know."

I couldn't help myself then. I suddenly burst out into laughter, letting my true colors slip through. She looked at me surprised before her eyes darkened.

"I can still kick your ass, Jungkook." I expected those words. I almost pushed her to say them on purpose. I didn't find her as intolerable anymore. Now, it was more of a get-even game we had going on. I rather enjoyed having her around to keep me company, even if she did get on my nerves. I'd mastered the art of teasing her back. I settled down and looked up at her. She looked beautiful in that moment. It stopped me. I lost the words I was going to say and just stared at her. Her dirty blonde hair brushed feebly against her chin. Her neck was exposed and I could've almost swore I saw her vein pulsating gently beneath her skin. Her chocolate eyes looked at me holding that slight annoyance as well. She knew though. She knew she had the upper hand always. She held that pride with her everywhere. But, I wanted to break passed it. I wanted to see underneath that tough skin. I wanted to see her for her.

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