Forty One- Reunion

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| Sunday, November 28 2016 |

I tapped my foot anxiously against the stirrups of the horse. I knew I was being an impatient pest and the guards were probably annoyed with me, but I couldn't help it. They'd feel the same if they were in my situation.

I bit my lip nervously and impatiently as I waited.

I turned to one of my guards. "Are we almost there yet?"

He sighed. "Sire, forgive me, but this is the 50th time you've asked. We will arrive shortly. You asking over and over isn't getting us there any faster."

I looked at him surprised and then turned away shyly. "Sorry."

I felt his hand over mine as he reached over. "I know you miss her. We're almost there." He gave me an apologetic look.


The horses trudged up a mountainside now. We were almost at the top. The sun was right over our heads in the early onset of noon. It was blazing and would probably have more of an effect at a lower altitude, but up here it was windy, so we stayed cool.

We reached the mountaintop now. The sight was so breathtaking. The sky glistened from here with a beautiful hue. The sight was unreal here. Trees were all different colors. Even magenta leaves decorated grand trees that expanded to widths I'd never imagined. There were trees of gold that sparkled like the sun. A river cut the land in the valley below us like a razor. I could hear the distant rumbles of a waterfall from here. I was captivated by the sight in front of me.

Then, my gaze fell to a small cottage on the other side of the river. The home was decorated with flowers of all kinds. It definitely looked like the work of my mother.

I looked to the guard. "Is that it?"

He nodded. My heart skipped a beat. I urged the horse on and he trotted down the meadow side now.

"Wait! Sire!"

I ignored them. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to see her. It was so painful missing her this much. It was so stressful worrying about her and her well being all this time. I could no longer contain my anxiousness.

I leaped off the horse as he came to a stop now.

"Mama!" I called out as I ran for the door.

My heart drummed furiously. My body shivered with excitement. Was she really here? Was this really happening? Living without her these past few months was so unreal. I never imagined myself without my mother. She was everything to me.


I stopped in my tracks. There she stood. In her beautiful, dazzling glory. Her skin was kissed by the sun. Her hair was still dark as night. But, it was short now. Why did she chop it off? Her beautiful curls used to complement her elegant demeanor. Now, it was short and sharp and it made it seem as if she were no longer behaving as a mother, but as someone preparing to fight without weaknesses. Nevertheless, she was still beautiful as always. She was still the mother I longed for.

Tears struck my eyes immediately. I became speechless. My body froze at the sight of her. It was almost as if I were seeing her for the first time in years. Like she were a whole new person to me. I saw her in a way I never did before. And I felt differently about her now as well. I couldn't help but admire her more now that I had the knowledge I did.

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