Six- Don't Leave Me Alone

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| Thursday, September 22 2016 |

(Jungkook's POV)

I walked torpidly on my own down the streets of the city. I had managed to get myself lost once again due to zoning out. It was late afternoon now. I had no idea where I was or how I managed to get so far into the city. I was hungry and tired as well. This was the third time I had managed to get myself lost. But, this by far, was the worst time. The streets were filled with people minding their own business and walking with smug looks on their face. Everyone looked so unhappy. Were all their lives miserable? I didn't see a single smile until a small child passed me by.

I continued to walk looking for a subway entrance. I read the signs and streets. I had never seen any of these before. How long had I been walking? Why did I zone out yet again?

I stopped in a doughnut store to grab something to eat.

After I ordered, I moved over to the register. "Excuse me, miss," I asked the woman at the register. "Can you tell me where I am?"

She looked at me oddly for a moment before replying. "Seoul."

I shook my head. "I know that. But, what part?"

She went to speak again when a man beside me spoke. "We're in the eastern end of Yongsan. Where are you trying to go?"

"Um, Seoul Forest."

The man nodded. "I'll take you to the subway station and direct you from there."

"Thank you," I smiled at him.

"It's no problem."

I grabbed my food and waited for him. Once he was ready, the both of us exited the doughnut store together.

"So, what's your name? If you don't mind me asking."

"Jungkook. How about you?"

"Chen. It's nice to meet you, Jungkook."

"It's nice to meet you too. You're a lifesaver. Thank you again for helping me."

"It's no hassle, really. I'm already on my way there."

We walked for a while, talking with one another and eating our food. I never had a doughnut before. They were very good. And sweet too.

"Here, we'll take a shortcut." Chen pointed to a gap between two large buildings.

I nodded and we walked into the alleyway. The sun was beginning to set now as night time approached. It made the alley very dim. I was grateful that it was clean at least. Otherwise, I probably would've tripped and fell.

Chen stopped midway through the alley and turned to face me.

"Is something wrong?"

The friendliness in his eyes had vanished. His eyes held an evil look now. He had a sardonic expression and his stance became more rigid.

"Are yo-"

Before I could finish, Chen's arm came up and his fist met my face. The punch was powerful and painful. My head whipped to the side from the force and I fell back. I had no time to regain myself before he began kicking at me. I cried out and he quickly hit me again in the face.

"Be quiet," he demanded. His voice was firm and his tone was deadly. I quivered slightly.

He kicked me again in the stomach causing me to curl into myself.

"Give me your wallet," he ordered.

I looked up at him. Why was he doing this? What had I done?

"I said, give it to me," his voice was more aggressive the second time.

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