Eight- Counting Lucky Stars

116 13 3

| Thursday, September 22 2016 |

(Jungkook's POV)

We all took our shoes off before entering. Hoseok and Jin escorted me inside with smiles on their faces. It was raining now so it was slightly chilly and we were all damp. The inside of the apartment was warm and it smelled like cinnamon. It was a welcoming smell that almost immediately relieved my uneasiness.

Jin flicked the lights on and rushed off to a room as the others came in and went in spewed directions. He came back with a pair of bootie slippers and handed them to me. "Those should keep your feet warm."

"Thank you," I bowed to him.

The apartment looked nice and was very clean. The furniture and walls matched in color scheme with dark blues and light greys. The large main room was separated by height. The door entrance along with the kitchen, a short hallway and another door on the right of the kitchen all made up the upper half of the space. The bottom was two stair steps lower and consisted of the living room and two other doors. Along with two closets. In the living room, there was a three-piece sofa set with a large flat screen against the wall and several photos of the boys in group shots on the wall. On the far end of the apartment, there were glass doors that opened to a balcony.

I put the slippers on and then stood near the door watching as everyone went about their own thing. Yoongi and Hoseok were going through closets doing god knows what. Namjoon was bringing a book out from another room. Jimin disappeared behind a door, still yet to return and Taehyung sat on the dark blue sofa with the television on. I looked over to the kitchen and saw Jin getting ready to cook something. I awkwardly wandered over to him and sat on the opposite side of the island and watched him quietly for a few minutes.

He looked up at me as he was stirring rice in a pot. "So, how long have you been here?"

I took a second to think. "Almost two months now, I think."

"Wow. You really are a newbie."

I looked at him confused.

"We've all spent a handful of years here."

I looked at him surprised. "Really?"

He nodded.

"H-how did you all find one another?"

He shrugged. "We pretty much just stumbled upon one another. Kind of like you did us. I guess it's fate that we all keep finding each other."

"Jin, would you mind handing me the chocolate syrup from the cabinet beneath you?" Yoongi walked into the kitchen and grabbed the milk from the refrigerator.

Jin reached under him and pulled out the syrup. Yoongi looked at me. "Would you like a glass of chocolate milk?"

"Um, no thank you." I denied him timidly.

"You sure? I make an awesome glass of this stuff."

"He's not lying," Jin chimed in.

I smiled slightly. "Okay."

He made me a glass along with two other glasses.


I turned around to see Taehyung standing behind me with folded clothes in his hands. He handed them to me. "Here. I'm sure you'd probably like to take a shower." The bathroom's right through there," He pointed down a hallway off the left side of the kitchen.

"Thank you."

He smiled at me shyly. "You're welcome."

Yoongi handed me my glass of chocolate milk and then walked away with the other two back to the room where he and Hoseok went before.

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