Eleven- Bonding

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I wandered around nervously looking down alleys and into buildings. He was nowhere to be found. My stomach turned with an uneasy feeling. My hands began to show a slight tremble. I looked scared. I was scared.

A group walking on the other side of the street looked at me briefly before talking amongst themselves. Then one of them walked over. I tried to walk away when he stopped me. "You lost kid?"

"Uh n-"

"No. He's with me." My head whipped to the side at the familiar voice and there was Yoongi. He was dressed pretty casually and had a leather coat on.

The man nodded and backed away without saying anything.

"Y-yoongi," I looked at him with relief.

"Hey kid. What are you doing out here all alone? Where's Jimin?" he spoke quietly as we began to walk.

"I don't know. I went into this shop to get soup and when I came back out, he was gone." I hoped he was okay. Had something bad happened to him?

"I apologize for him. He can be a little rough around the edges at times. He just has to warm up to you."

"Did he ever warm up to you?" I asked. The way Jimin acted toward Yoongi this morning didn't seem like he warmed up very well.

Yoongi looked at me surprised. His face then turned slightly red. "Y-yea. We're just not getting along very well at the moment."


I looked down to the two soups in my hands. Well, since Jimin didn't stay for soup, I suppose he doesn't get it. I handed the untouched soup to Yoongi. "I got it for Jimin. But, since he's not around, you can have it."

He smiled at me. "Thank you." He took it carefully and stirred it with his spoon before trying it. "Oh, this is my favorite," he exclaimed.

I pulled a wonton from mine with the spoon since I forgot chopsticks. It was warm and relieving to my empty stomach.

"Well, well," two men obstructed our path. "We've got some new boys in town."

"We're not new."

"Then, how come I've never seen you around?" The one stranger challenged Yoongi.

I looked at him. His eyes became dark with a coldness kind of like Jimin's. "Because normally we're off doing dirty work for Jimin," he retorted.

The two men instantly shut up. The one dug into his jacket and pulled out a wad of money. "Here. Now I'm all paid up. Tell your boss to stay away from me now. I'm done with his trouble."

And then they walked away. Yoongi looked down at the cash pensively before tucking it away in his pocket.

"They know Jimin?"

"Jimin is pretty popular around here for causing trouble. Most people are scared of him. And they should be."

"Do you normally come out here with him?" I asked curiously.


I looked at him confused for a moment. "Oh."

"I only said what I said to protect us. You, more specifically. If we hadn't mentioned Jimin, they would've pummeled us to death. I can't believe Jimin brought you out here." He shook his head.

"Well, the good thing is that we're okay, right?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Yea."

We continued to walk for a while enjoying our soup and the warm feeling it left in our stomachs.

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