Forty Nine- Content As I Am

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| Monday, September 16 2013 |

(Jin's POV)

The familiar bell chimed as I opened the door to the small cafe. It was a warm and homey little shop with comfortable seating and the smell of fresh forest. I walked up to the counter, where the waitress handed me my regular. It was kind of routine now. I'd been visiting the shop every day for the past few months and the kind waitress took notice of my regular arrival.

I smiled and bowed as I took the drink. "Kamsahamnida."


With my computer bag, I made my way to the small nook by the window which I normally made myself comfortable in. I had to finish some business for the day and then move on to my research.

After I was banned from Haven, I arrived in this beautiful city. It had hurt worse than anything before. I missed Taehyung dearly. For weeks, I'd sulked and longed for him. It had left me crippled with such heartache I did nothing but sit and gaze up into the sky for weeks. I'd almost starved myself to death. But, then someone came to me and generously offered to help me back on my feet.

I moved on. For Taehyung's sake and my own, I knew he wouldn't want me to allow this fate to hinder my happiness. So, I tried my best to be content for him. And I was. I was content as I am. A very wealthy scout from a business known as the W agency came to me and offered me a job. Quickly, I became very popular among the city's modeling industry and was soon labeled the face of the W agency. I made great money and was able to afford a place of my own in the center of Seoul. I didn't have to work very often either, so in my free time, I found a wonderful hospital that allowed me to volunteer on my off days.

Now, I sat and finished typing up my email to my boss, then, I would do more research for my own personal pleasure. Today, I was researching America. I'd taken the time to learn much about this world and the beautiful places here. It was a long project, but I loved to learn and it kept my mind away from places I didn't want it to wander.

I leaned in as I read something interesting about South America when, suddenly, I felt something ice cold splash all over my shirt. I gasped and jumped up in surprise.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. I'm such a clutz," I heard someone apologizing.

I quickly tried to wipe the ice cold coffee from my black shirt. "It's okay," I answered. "It's only a shirt."

"But, you're all wet now an-"

I looked up at the male babbling on to me with guilt and quickly my eyes widened. "You're one of them," I blurted out interrupting him. My hand went up almost instantly and I covered my mouth. Oops.

He stopped and looked at me with the same shock. He had beautiful bright eyes and wore glasses. He had blonde dyed hair and a skin complexion pale enough to match the snow.

 He had blonde dyed hair and a skin complexion pale enough to match the snow

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