Twenty Eight- Who Is Jungkook?

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(Taehyung's POV)

I looked down at the paper in my hands. I felt the powder that covered the paper more obviously than the headache that I was slowly acquiring. It was the pollen from that flower. The Infinity flower; the flower that never dies. I knew what the flower was used for. But, I didn't want to spook any of the others. The flower was from the ancient race. I couldn't remember what they were called. They used the flower during the great war to poison and drug angels. The flower is toxic to us, but only in certain forms. In the state it was in now, it was almost harmless to us. It's only side effect was a headache. I wouldn't be surprised if each of us were acquiring a small headache right now from it. Continuous exposure led to a migraine, but nothing more. Why would anyone have a flower like this? Were they trying to guard whatever they were hiding? Were they trying to ward us off?

As I read over the foreign text, I could pick out one phrase. "Find the prince" one of the lines read. I immediately dropped the paper. The note was about me. Whoever the note was for was on the hunt for me. But, why? Why were they using such a language? Was it to remain under secrecy? So their plans would remain hidden? Why were they after me? What did they want? Were there spies after me? Had my father finally decided to execute me? I swayed on my feet and leaned back against the counter. Was the flower meant to be a sign for me? A sign that death and destruction was approaching? My heart leaped in my chest.

"Tae, are you okay?" Jungkook asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"What is it? You recognize something?" Jimin asked me frantically.

I looked up at him and took a deep breath before I chose what words to say. I was terrified. I was terrified that someone was after us. But, I couldn't show them that. I calmed myself before speaking. "It's an ancient language from a lost race," I explained. "I studied it in my free time as a child, but quickly gave up on it because it was too confusing. So, I don't know what it says." It was a small white lie, but the less they knew for now, the better.

They all looked terribly disappointed.

"I'm sorry guys. I can't really say much more about it."

"We understand. It's not your fault. You're doing your best, Taehyung," Hobi rubbed my back.

"Thank you." I took the paper and walked away to my room. My heart instantly sped up again. What did this mean? What did it say? Was I overreacting? Was I interpreting it wrong? But, why would a poisonous flower and a note like this be in the same place? Were they planning on poisoning us all?

I stared at the note, wishing I could remember what these words said. Wishing I had continued to study the language.

There was a faint knock on the door.

I turned with a start to see it was Jungkook. He looked at me with worried eyes and quickly came over.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yea. I'm fine."

He frowned. "You're tearing up."

I looked at him startled. I hadn't noticed it until he said something. "What?"

"Tae." He wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong?"

I sighed. Here comes another half truth. "I just wish I could be of more use. I wish I would've paid attention to the language when I had the chance."

"It's okay. This isn't all on you, Taehyung." He pulled away. "I have something to admit."

I looked up at him quickly. "What is it?"

"I feel like I've seen this writing before. I can't recall where. Maybe around the house my mother kept something with it or maybe just somewhere else entirely. I don't know where, but I've seen it," he admitted.

His confession got me thinking. Was he the spy? No. That was ridiculous. He wouldn't have told me. Why would he give himself away? I gathered my thoughts before speaking to him again. "It's okay." I sat up. "Can you promise me something though?"

He nodded.

"If you begin to recognize where the writing may be from, or what it says, please come to me first. It may help me remember some of what I learned and I could possibly decipher it."

Jungkook smiled at me warmly. "Of course. I promise."

"Jungkookie! Where did you go?!" Hobi shouted from beyond the room.

Jungkook looked back to me and hugged me one last time before standing. "I promise. The first thing I remember, I'll let you know." At that, he left the room and answered to Hobi's calling.

I looked back down at the papers. "Find the prince," I whispered to myself.

I wonder if maybe Jungkook's mother was the source of his memory of this. She did work in the castle after all. Maybe she knew a little of the language herself. Did that sound ridiculous? It did. Why would a servant be in our library? Servants were not allowed to step near such precious and secretive files.

Where could he have learned this then? And why can't I see Jungkook's damnation? I can see the others'. I can tell what kind of people they are. With Jungkook, I can't. He's completely unreadable to me. He scares me a bit. Maybe he really is a spy. Who was Jungkook? Was he even damned? Was he telling the truth? Why would he know the language? Why would he say his mother worked in the castle implying he had long lost relations with the royal family? And why do we look so similar? We have the same mark. Was that merely coincidence? Was his false? Or were they really not birthmarks, but marks from something else?

All of this thinking gave me a headache. My mind was swirling with confusion from all of this over thinking. Why was I doubting Jungkook? He seemed too honest to us to lie. He was like an open book. If I wanted to know, I should just ask him.

I stood up quickly and walked into the main space where everyone was hanging out except for Jungkook. "Guys. Where's Jungkook?"

"In his room drawing," Jin looked up to me from where he was preparing dinner.

I walked into his room to see him lying on the floor drawing.

"Jungkook," I walked over to him.

He looked up. "Yea?"

I sat down next to him Indian style.

"Can I ask you something?"

He nodded as he continued to sketch on his paper.

"Where is it that you said you're from again?"

"My mother and I lived in solitude in the mountains for as long as I can remember. Why?"

"Do you know what city you were closest to?"

"No. I have no idea. My mom always did the outings."

I frowned to myself. His answer still didn't help me at all. I was still left with many unanswered questions. I still didn't know who he was. I still didn't know if I could trust him.

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