Forty Seven- Forgiveness

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| Friday, January 6 2017 |

I hopped down from my horse now as we stopped at the camp. Our friends ran up to us excitedly.

"You're back!" Jin greeted me with a gentle kiss.

"Well, how was it? Did you gu-" Yoongi stopped when he saw Jungkook. Everyone looked at him in shock.

"J-Jungkook. You got your wings back," Jimin exclaimed.

"And they're black and white!" Yoongi stared in awe.

I looked down averting their gazes. While on our way back, Jungkook and I had a conversation about the memories and the wings. I admitted to him that I kept my knowledge a secret from the others. With much convincing, he got me to promise that I would tell the others the truth. And now seemed it would be that time to do so.

"Not only are my wings returned. But, my memories are as well."

"What? How?" Jin looked from him to me.

"Let's all go have a seat and we'll explain."

I felt my satchel moving slightly as their wings inside it began to move with desperation.

We all moved along and sat down a little off from the fire. To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was well beyond scared. I was terrified. I'd done such a horrible thing, and I didn't know if this would make up for it. I didn't deserve their forgiveness. It just hurt to consider that they really might not forgive me.

I sighed out as I sat down and gazed at the ground. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Jungkook. He knew now that his memories were also the only ones I couldn't read. So, I suppose he really didn't have much reason to be upset with me. But, it was still reassuring to know he had forgiven me.

"It's okay," he squeezed my shoulder gently.

I nodded before looking up to the others. "I can't apologize enough to all of you," I started. "I can't make up for it and I know I do not deserve you all as friends. And I expect that after this, you will all be too angry to look at me."

They watched me with confused and weary eyes.

"I suppose I should start at the beginning," I sat up. I couldn't look any of them in the eyes. I couldn't face any of them. I couldn't take their glares and whatever expressions were about to be directed toward me. "When I first arrived on Earth, I arrived with a purpose. I knew what I had to do and I knew what I had left for."

"You left Haven?"

"In a way, yes," I answered Namjoon.

"It was after a long year of frustration and loneliness, I couldn't take being without my best friend. So, I abandoned my people and I went searching for you, Jin." I looked up at him. "It was the day you heard me calling out to you. You were sitting with Yoongi having coffee."

Realization filled his eyes.

"But, before I could get to you, I was caught by my father. And my punishment followed later on." I pulled off my shirt. Jin was the only one who knew of my scars. The only one that knew what my father did to me. I now turned my back to everyone so they could see the horror that I earned for abandoning my kingdom. I heard their gasps of disgust looking at my punishment. "They sawed my wings from my body. He threw me to Earth and tossed me aside like I was nothing to him. But, the scars and the pain, they weren't the worst of my punishment."

I turned pack to them. "I remembered what happened. I remembered every detail. I remembered what I did to be thrown away by the king."

"Okay. So, you remembered and didn't tell us. That's not terrible," Hoseok said.

"There's more," I stopped him.

I sighed out before continuing. "I could see your prosecutions as well. I don't know why. And I don't really know how I was able to see something you, yourselves couldn't remember. But, I did. I know what all of you did and I didn't tell you. And I wanted to tell you. I tried to build up the courage to tell you all. I just didn't know how without sounding crazy or without being intrusive. And the time just kept on going by and I still didn't tell you. And then it was too late to tell you without feeling guilty or upsetting you all. I've felt guilty every day. Held that weight on my shoulders knowing I kept the one thing from all of you that we've all been chasing. And I can't apologize enough for betraying all of you like tha-"

I was stopped by a furious Jimin. I felt the sting fresh and painful on my face where he had slapped me. I knew I deserved it. I deserved more than that. And yet, he of all people was showing mercy on me. He held up a fist to punch me, and I just sat there awaiting the hit. His body quaked with fury. His eyes held tears of rage and hurt. Then, he lowered his hand.

"I know this won't make up for what I've done. But, I managed to steal back each of your wings, with your memories." I opened the satchel and pulled out the small crystalline cases with their wings inside.

They stared at them with longing eyes.

"Again. I am so sorry," I apologized one last time. "These belong to you guys."

I then set the wings free and they reattached to their bodies at light speed. Each of them formed faces of shock and realization as their memories returned. They looked confused for a moment.

Then, Hoseok began to laugh. We all looked to him surprised as he doubled over in laughter. Then, slowly, the others began to laugh with him. They were all hysterical as they cracked up, and all I could do was stand there and look at them baffled.

Jin came up to me with teary eyes and a wide smile on his face. "I was cast away for the only purpose in my life," he smiled lightly. "Why wouldn't you just tell me?"

"I-I wanted to. But, by the time I had built the courage, it was too late."

"Taehyung," I heard Yoongi's gentle voice.

I looked up to him.

"Where are your wings?"

I reached in the satchel and pulled them out. I gazed down at them in my hand. "Right here."

"Why haven't you re-attached them yet?"

I looked down and stared at the desperate wings in my hand. "I deserve to live with the scars on my back. Though, I did it for love, I still abandoned my people. And I betrayed you guys. I've done terrible things. I don't deserve them back."

Jimin snatched the wings from my hand. "Stop being ridiculous. So what? You made a mistake. We've all made mistakes. But, no matter what, we're still family. You're still part of us. And we love you unconditionally." He looked at me. "If I could mess up as bad as I did with Yoongi, and still be accepted, then you can too." He then released my wings and I felt the excruciating pain as they healed to my body. I fell to my knees and groaned in pain. I felt my skin grow back to them slowly. My fists clenched and I closed my eyes in pain. I felt the others around me as they hugged me.

The tears ran down my cheeks as I cried in pain. Cried while my heart broke as my family hugged me.

"We forgive you, Taehyung. And we still accept you. We love you," Jungkook said.

"Thank you guys," I cried.

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