Twenty Three- Time for Change

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(Yoongi's POV)

He slammed the door behind him as he kept walking.

I sighed and turned back around to keep walking. "Never mind then."

I continued on my way through the chilly night. I bundled up in my jacket cozily and headed through town. I decided to take the night to myself for the first time in a while. I needed it with everything that's been going on.

I know I shouldn't have been, but I was jealous. I was the only one that was ever close to Jimin. He was my best friend. And now he was nothing. Seeing the way he relinquished his "tough guy" shield with Jungkook just broke me. It'd been eating at me ever since. I wanted to have that with Jimin again. I wanted to be the one there for him. Supporting him and comforting him.

I walked into the sports bar now. The warm air hit my cold rosy cheeks and icy hands. It felt good. I pulled off my jacket as I sat down at a bar stool.

The bartender came up to me. She had a bright smile and blonde dyed hair.

"Good evening. Can I get you anything?"

I nodded. "I'll take a Bloody Mary, please."

"Coming right up."

I looked up to the tv where a soccer match was playing on the screen.

As I watched, my mind went back to Jimin. I'd been thinking a lot more about him lately. A lot about what happened back then.

__Saturday, November 17 2012__

"So," I let out a breath. "This is it," I smiled at her.

Yuki was a beautiful girl. She had a petite figure and a dress that hugged her body to show it off. She had bold brown eyes and dark black hair. She was very attractive to many men. But, to me, she was just a beautiful girl. I wasn't really interested, but I tried.

I opened the door for her, letting her inside the apartment.

"Well um, I had a good time tonight," I spoke nervously as I shoved my hands in my pockets.

She giggled lightly. "Yoongi, you're so cute when you're shy."

I looked at her as my cheeks turned red. "W-what? I'm not shy," I frowned.

She smiled and stepped closer. Without her heels on, she was much shorter than me. Her dress showed off her curves and her evident breast job. Her cleavage wasn't too low, considering our standards, but it was enough to get the point across. The dress just met her knees and hugged her thighs together.

She placed her hand gently on my chest and ran her finger over the bare skin where my shirt was unbuttoned.

"So, are you going to show me to your bedr-"

I saw his figure emerge from his room out of the corner of my eye. Quickly, I pulled Yuki into me and pressed my lips against hers. My heart raced quickly. But, not from the kiss. From him.

Yuki pulled away with surprise and looked at me.

"Yuki?" Jimin spoke surprised.

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