Twenty Two- An Unworthy Gift

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| Monday, October 14 2009 |

(Jimin's POV)

I walked through town excitedly. Tomorrow was my birthday and I was supposed to spend it with Yoongi. He knew how much I hated it when he spent his money getting me gifts. So instead, this year, he promised he wasn't going to buy me a gift. But, I knew him. He couldn't help himself. So, I decided to get him one as well. It was definitely not going to be as expensive as his. I was no Baron's son. I was nothing compared to him. But, whatever I decided I was going to get him, I knew he wouldn't care the price either way.

As I walked toward the small store, a voice stopped me.

"Hey, Jimin!"

I looked over to see Arthur, one of my friends, coming up to me. He had a bright smile on his face and a quick pace about him.

"Wanna come hang with me and the guys?"

Other than Yoongi, Arthur was the only other friend I really was close to. Every other snobby kid in this little town of wealth didn't want to hang out with a petty scrap like me. Neither would their parents let them. I was lucky to have Yoongi's father and Arthur's parents who cared for me deeply, no matter what my economic background was.

"Mm, what guys?" I asked skeptically.

"Brutus and Roland's posse. We're all heading into the next town for some fun."

"I don't know," I spoke nervously. "You know they don't like me. And I have to find a gift for Yoongi."

"Huh? Why? It's not his birthday." He looked at me confused. "Wait, it isn't his birthday already, is it?" he looked at me surprised.

"No, silly. It's mine. Tomorrow."

"So, then why are you buying him a gift?"

"Aish Arthur you ask so many questions," I groaned. Arthur had a tendency of asking a lot of questions most of the time.

Though he was my friend, I didn't hang out with him as much as Yoongi. Sometimes, I think it made him jealous. He liked Yoongi too, but Yoongi didn't have as big of an interest in Arthur as he did me.

He just looked at me and laughed. "Whatever. I will never understand your's and Yoongi's friendship." He shook his head with a smile.

I smiled back shyly.

"Well, if you want to find him something nice, come with us. I'm sure you'll find something really cool to get him."

I thought about it for a moment. I was hesitant. I know the others didn't like me all that much. "Are you sure they're okay with it?" I nodded to where the group stood on the other side of the road smiling over at me.

"Yea. I already asked them."

"Really?" I looked at him with disbelief. I don't know if I should believe that.

"Yea. I promise."

"Mm fine," I agreed reluctantly.

I walked with him across the street to where the other boys waited.

"Hey, Jimin," Roland greeted me with a wide smile.

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