Forty Six- War Is Coming

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| Tuesday, January 3 2017 |

(Taehyung's POV)

Jungkook, a small military squad, and I all walked stealthily around the palace. The Arcane military had marched to a war zone three days out of Haven's capital. Our friends and the military all camped out on standby while Jungkook and I traveled the three days into the city to start trouble. This was a mission only he and I could handle.

Now, we stalked around to one of the servant doors of the palace where someone would let us inside. I knocked gently and seconds later, one of my servants, opened the door. We rushed inside and he looked at me in complete shock.

"You really are alive," he gazed in awe.

I smiled and placed my hand on his shoulder. "It's a long story, Rory. But, now is not the time for stories. Thank you for trusting me thus far. Once this is all over, I promise things will change for you and the others."

At that, he bowed.

We rushed off as we heard the crowds outside the palace gathering in celebration. I knew today was a special day. I helped strategize it this way because I knew my father and the council would be busy with the festival, rather than guarding the palace. There was something I needed to retrieve in here. Something I needed.

"So, where is this thing we need to grab?" Jungkook asked as he snuck quietly beside me.

"It would be near the council room. He'd keep them there."

"Them? When did this become plural?" He questioned.

"Don't worry. They're small. Easy to carry. Just trust me."

He nodded as we snuck along. The palace chandeliers no longer lit up when we walked beneath them. It angered me. How could someone so sick and twisted like my father walk beneath these lights and still have any purity. But, because I was gay, the light shamed me?

We were almost there now. We just had to make it past one more hall intersection and then sprint for the doors. We slowed as I peeked around the corner. One guard stood on standby near the royal council room door. Luckily we didn't have to get in there. But, we would have to be very stealthy about this.

I turned back and looked at Jungkook and the 3 others behind me. I held up one finger signaling we had one guard to watch for.

"I'll go first and get to the other side of the hall," I whispered. "If I can do that, you all can wait here. I just have to get through those doors," I pointed. "Take what we need, and return. Then, we're out of here."

"But, you don't know who's beyond those doors. Shouldn't one of us at least go with you?" Jungkook looked at me worried.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine. Just wait here."

I turned back to see the guard was half asleep from where he leaned against the wall. I took a deep breath and pulled my hood forward a little more. Then, in one swift movement, I rushed across the hall unnoticed. I heard the shuffling from down the hall and peeked back to see the guard itching his head. I let out my breath and ran for the door with relief.

They had to be in this room. There couldn't possibly be any other place that they'd be. I looked back to see Jungkook and the others watching me. I gave them a thumbs up as I grabbed the door handle. Then, I turned it quickly and stepped inside. I closed the door behind me and searched around quick to make sure no one else was in here. Then, my eyes caught sight of the horror before me. The room was round and covered from floor to ceiling in shelves. And on them, sat hundreds of small crystal spheres. But, that wasn't the horrifying part. Nor was it terrifying that inside them, were the wings of every angel cut from their life, along with their memories. It was horrifying to see the number of them. There were so many. My father had cast away so many of us. So many that were wandering earth, probably alone and lost. It infuriated me to see the horror before me. It made me sick. It made me want to fall to my knees and sob.

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