Twelve- Kinky Killer

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{{{Heyyyy 😎. So, we've decided to have a premium weekend for all of you guys and you Kizzythekid . We hope you enjoy, and beware, this chapter has a LOT of smut 😂. Sorry not sorry}}}

| Sunday, September 25 2016 |

I wandered around the apartment boredly. Everyone had gone out for the day. Jin and Taehyung went shopping, Yoongi and Hoseok went to work and I don't know where Jimin was. Then, I remembered that Namjoon hadn't left yet.

I excitedly went to his room and knocked on the door. I still hadn't asked him about what Yoongi was talking about so I suppose now was my chance.


"It's Jungkook. May I come in?" I called.

"Of course," he sounded pleased.

I walked in quietly and spotted him at his desk writing something. I walked over to him and sat in the arm chair beside the desk.

He glanced up momentarily. "What's up little Kookie?"

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"Kookie," he stated and looked to me again. "I've decided that's your nickname. It suits you. Since you're cute and sweet," he smiled.

I felt my face turn red with embarrassment. "O-okay."

"So, what's up?"

I shrugged. "Nothing. Everyone else left for the day."

"Oh. Right."

"So, what're you writing?" I asked curiously.

"Just recording my morning routine before I go to the park for the day and watch people."

"You like to watch people?" I looked at him excitedly. "I do that too."

"Yea. It helps me clear my mind. And humans are interesting to examine."

"Can I come with you?" I asked.


"Awesome. I'm gonna go grab my stuff."

I jumped up and rushed to my shared room. I always left my art supplies in my bag so I never had to go searching for them. I grabbed it and put my wallet in it as well. I walked back out of the room to meet Namjoon in the main space as he walked out of his room with the leather journal in hand and a small book bag on his back.

"Ready?" he asked me.

I nodded and together we went out the door. The sky was clear today and the sun added a warmth to the late September chill. It was a comfortable temperature. We walked down the sidewalk in silence for a while just enjoying the day and its peacefulness.

"I wish every day were like this. Not too hot, not too cold," Namjoon stated.

"Me too. But with more leaves left on the trees so I have something prettier to draw than a bare tree."

"Oh yea. I forgot you like to draw."

"Yoongi says I'm really good. I don't know how. I've never taken any special lessons or anything. I've always just drawn."

"Well, you know what they say. Practice makes perfect."

"True," I laughed.

We reached the park not longer after we left. It wasn't all that far from the apartment which was nice. It was closer than my previous walk.

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