Three- Someone Like Me

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| Monday, September 12 2016 |

"Thank you, Mina." I smiled and took the cocoa and cookies.

"You're welcome. So, do you have any plans for the night?" she asked curiously.

"No. Just going home to sit around. Maybe look for seashells."

"Seashells?" She looked at me surprised.

"I live near the beach and there's not much to do inside, so I'm usually outside most the time," I lied.

"Oh," she giggled. "Well, if you find any pretty ones, would you mind bringing me some? I like to collect."

"Sure thing."

"Thank you. Well, have fun on the beach tonight. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright. See you tomorrow."

I walked toward the door and entered the outside world once again. It was warm and humid. It was a calm night as well which always soothed my mood.

I walked down the sidewalk as I sipped my cocoa. Everyone walked the streets now. They went about their business talking to people on the phone, walking with loved ones, shopping happily with friends.

A mother and her child passed by. She gave him a loving smile as he led her excitedly down the sidewalk. I sighed out. I missed my mother more each day. I wondered if she was okay. Did she know what I did? She was probably so disappointed.

I wandered into an alley to take a shortcut around the block. Kicking aside a box, I continued walking.

I heard grunting and whimpering not far off in the distance. I looked up and saw two men. One was crumpled on the ground while the other was pummeling him to death. Out of reaction, I quickly rushed to help him.

"Hey, stop it!" I ran up and tackled the man off of him. My pulse pounded through my body. He struggled beneath me, making violent grunts as he shoved at me.

"Get off!" The man growled and threw me off. I rushed to the man almost passed out on the ground. He was bloody and bruised all over. He looked exhausted and weak. There was fear in his eyes, but a fake smug look on his face.

"Move out of my way and run home to your mom kid." The guy shoved me aside and went to hit the man again. I quickly jumped in his path taking the blow to my stomach. I stumbled to the ground.

"What is wrong with y-" I looked up to the man finally getting a glimpse of his face. I froze in my spot. He was a muscular guy with silver dyed hair and big lips. His hair, which looked like it was styled before, was now a wind blown mess. His face was bright red with anger. But, that's not what caught me. It was his skin. It was glittered with the symbols of our kind. Like he was showered in the righteous light of them. I could see it in him. The superior way he existed. The way he looked. And he was here. Like me. Without wings. With that look of sadness and hatred mixed in his eyes.

My heart dropped in my chest. "You." I looked at him. "You're different." I jumped up. "You're like me!"

The man looked at me in disgust before taking a step back and released a huff of frustration. "Whatever." He looked to the other man. "You got lucky this time, but don't expect some pest to come to your rescue next time."

He turned and rushed off.

"Wait!" I called after him.

I looked to the man on the ground and then back to the other. I was conflicted. I knelt down to the man. "I'll be right back. I promise."

I sprinted after him. He had already turned the corner, going back onto the street. Please, just wait. Don't leave me alone like this. Please.

I turned the corner and he was already gone. The crowds were massive and it was impossible to find one person. He was gone. That one person like me. He had disappeared so suddenly.

(Jimin's POV)

I shoved my hands in the pockets of my jacket and continued on frustratingly. Fucking kid better not cross paths with me again or he'll be the next one I pummel.

I walked up to Namjoon who was waiting for me in front of the liquor store.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Done already?"

"I was interrupted," I grumbled then walked on passed him. "Let's go."

At that, he followed and we headed back to the others.

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