Twenty Four- Repulsive Undying Love

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| Monday, October 24 2016 |

(Yoongi's POV)

I walked through the door to the apartment carrying bags with small gifts in them. I had gotten a little extra money my past few checks, so I put it aside to buy gifts for everyone. I also wanted to leave everyone with something before I moved. I hadn't called Jeongsun yet to make it official, but I most likely would be. As I stepped inside, I saw that everyone was hanging out around the main space. Jin was in the kitchen with Taehyung sitting on the other side of the counter. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook all sat close to one another on the large sofa while Jimin rested on the single seat. They were all watching a scary movie.

I walked over to Jin and Taehyung first.

"Yoongi, you're back," Jin greeted me. "I was beginning to worry. Usually you're back earlier."

"Sorry to concern you. I was just doing a little shopping," I smiled.

I placed the bag down on the counter and dug through it looking for their gifts. I found Jin's first, considering his was the biggest. I pulled out the large box and placed it on the counter. "For you." I slid it to him.

He gasped. "Yoongi! You bought this for me?"

I nodded. "I know how much you like smoothies and other mixed drinks and I saw it on sale in the window."

Immediately, he hugged me. "Thank you. I'm sorry I don't have anything to give you back at the moment."

"Don't worry about it," I smiled at him. "I don't want anything in return."

I looked to Taehyung. "And for you, I got this." I dug into the bag again as he looked at me surprised.

"You got me something too?"

"Of course I did. I got everyone something." I looked into the bag and frowned. "Where did I- oh yea!"

I pulled out my wallet and took out two tickets. I handed them to him. "I know how much you like those live shows, so I got you two tickets. I figured you could take someone on a date," I smirked at him nodding my head toward Jin.

"Whoa. Thank you." He took them gratefully.

I looked over to the sofa where everyone but Jimin still was. I walked over.

"Could you guys pause this a second?"

Namjoon nodded and leaned up grabbing the remote to pause the movie. "What's up?"

"I have stuff for you guys," I spoke as I reached into my bag.

"Oh?" Hoseok leaned up.

I pulled out the watch first. I handed it to Hoseok. "I know you lost your old one a while back so hopefully this replacement is suitable?"

He gave me a huge smile looking up from the Apple watch in his hand. "It's great. Thank you, Yoongi. But, what's the occasion? Did we miss a holiday?"

I laughed slightly. "No. Just a little extra money I've been saving for you guys."

"Awe. Yoongi, you're so sweet."

I smiled bashfully. I pulled out Namjoon's gift next. "I didn't really know what to get you, but I hope this will suffice," I explained as I pulled out a set of blank books with leather covers and a calligraphy pen set.

Namjoon leaned forward with excitement. "It's perfect," he grinned.

"I'm glad you like it."

I looked to Jungkook. "Okay, for you, I actually got you more than one thing because I couldn't help myself when I saw this. But, here. This is the first." I pulled out an art notebook and a set of drawing supplies.

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