Fifteen- Careless

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| Monday, September 26 2016 |

I backed her against the door roughly as I kissed her and lifted her off the ground from the back of her thighs. She dug her nails into me and moaned as I teasingly rubbed myself against her.

It was 2 am and I was just now returning from the bar.

My hands fumbled for the doorknob and once I found it, I pushed inside and kicked my shoes off, still carrying her. I pulled off her heels as she nibbled at my neck seductively. I stumbled backwards, hitting the wall. She slid down off of me and reached her hand into my pants, playing with me roughly.

I let out a quiet moan before I grabbed her hand and led her across the room. I threw her down onto the sofa and immediately knelt, kissing her bare thighs up under her dress until I reached her panties.

(Yoongi's POV)

I woke up to a dimly lit room as the sun began to rise. I looked over to the clock to see it was 6 am. I didn't have work today, but I decided to go for a morning jog.

I hopped quietly out of bed and got dressed in my jogging suit. It was beginning to get cold, so I had to take advantage of the last few warmer days while they lasted.

With my phone in my pocket and my pack strapped to my back, I walked out of the room to leave.

My heart dropped immediately at the sight in front of me. I stopped in my tracks. This wasn't real, was it? It became hard to breathe. I felt the tears coming on. Of course it was real. Why should I have expected any different?

I did this to myself, I convinced myself in my head. With clenched fists, I rushed for the door and left, slamming it behind me. I ran as fast as I could to get away. I had to get away.

(Hoseok's POV)

The slamming of the front door abruptly woke me up from my deep slumber. I looked over to the clock and then moaned tiredly. My throat was parched and I craved a banana milk.

I got up and stretched, then looked into Yoongi's bed. He was gone. He was probably in the kitchen.

I walked out into the main space just as Taehyung did and our eyes met the messy sight laid out in front of us.

His hair was messy and his body was covered in dark marks. He blinked tiredly as the naked girl beside him sat up holding the blanket over herself to stay covered.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked with a bit of irritation in his voice.

Jimin shrugged carelessly.

I felt an anger stirring in my gut. This needed to stop and soon.

"Jimin, you are so stupidly oblivious!" I snapped at him.

He looked up at me with a frown as I yelled at him.

"I swear, if you don't wake up, I am going to fucking slap the oblivion out of you."

I turned to go back to my room and get dressed. I knew exactly what happened. And it infuriated me. He was so careless of it all. So reckless with other's emotions and well being.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Jungkook moaned from his bed.

"Everything is fine, Jungkook. I apologize for waking you. Get some more rest."

I slipped into a pair of pants and quickly threw on a shirt.

"Where are you going?"

"To find Yoongi."

He sat up then. "Find him? Is he alright?" he asked worriedly.

After rubbing on some deodorant, I rushed for the door. "I don't know yet."

I went quickly to the door and slipped on my shoes. Jimin was shooing the girl from the apartment as I walked out the door and rushed away swiftly to go find Yoongi.

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