Twenty Six- Arian and The Prince

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I woke up slowly to the sight of a dim, disheveled room. Instantly, I began to panic, realizing what had happened. My heart beat furiously. I sat up and rapidly, my headache came back. I held my head in pain and groaned out. I felt dizzy and sick. Where was I? Why was I here? What did that man do to me?

I wasn't tied up or restrained in any way. Why didn't he restrain me? Did he just assume that I wasn't going to escape? Or maybe he thought I couldn't. The only way out was through the door. There were no windows in the room. I stood and went for the door. I grabbed hold of the handle and turned, but it was locked.

"Damn it," I whispered. How was it locked from the outside? Was I in some strange facility? Where was I?

I walked around the room and began to search. The room had, besides the sofa, a small table, a desk with a lamp, some portraits on the wall, and a shelf filled with books. I scavenged through the drawers of the desk for something. All I found were papers with some strange writing on them I'd never seen before.

There was nothing here to escape with. Nothing at all. I decided to take the heaviest book I could find and hold onto it until whoever captured me showed up.


It took hours of waiting. No one showed. Not a single voice was heard. Not even any movement. Then, suddenly, the handle turned on the door and someone walked in. Immediately, I grabbed the book and threw it through the air.

"Whoa whoa, calm down," I heard the man's voice as he caught the book in mid-air.

He wasn't hooded now, and his face was visible along with his arms. He wore a leather, sleeveless jumpsuit and heavy duty boots. He had dark eyes and dark hair. For some reason, he looked familiar. But, I couldn't tell why.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he spoke. My eyes evaded to his skin where a red light seemed to show through. It lit throughout his entire body in branches as if it were his veins. They turned white as he spoke. Was I drugged? "My name is Arian. I need your help, Jungkook."

I looked at him surprised now. He knew my name? Who was he? And how did he know me?

Seeing as I wasn't hurt, or restrained, a part of me wanted to give him a chance to trust him. But, then again, he did kidnap me and I don't know where I am. I looked Arian over again to see he didn't have a weapon. I suppose if I said no, he wasn't going to harm me considering he didn't have one. I gave him the benefit of the doubt for now.

My eyes went back to his body. What was he? "What is that?" I questioned.

He looked at me quizzically. "What is what?"

"The red light in your skin." I pointed.

He nodded in understanding. "It's part of who you are."

"Part of who I am?" I challenged.

"Don't worry. Everything will come to light soon." He stepped toward me, but I backed up and placed my hand out.

"Why am I here? What is this place?"

"I need your help."

"With what?" I looked at him confused.

Before he could answer me, the door opened and another man who had a rigid face and dark eyes stepped in. He looked to Arian. "We need to leave. Now."

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