Nine- For Jimin

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(Yoongi's POV)

"Yoongi, you still awake?" I heard Hoseok whisper.

I opened an eye tiredly. "Mm yea," I answered quietly.

"So, what do you think?"

He was barely audible. I tiredly sat up and climbed down to his bed. I climbed over him and sat down against the wall.

"What do you mean?"

"Of Jungkook."

I nodded in understanding now. "I like him. I don't see him being the wild type either, so we might be in the clear with another one of those," I laughed slightly.

Hobi laughed too. "He's cute. I can't believe how young he is to this place though. He found us pretty quickly. Someone up there must be looking out for him."

"Yea," I smiled. "I wonder who."

"Actually." he sat up and joined me against the wall. "He kind of reminds me of you when you were new."

I looked at him for a moment. I shrugged. "Yea, I guess."

__Sunday, August 15 2010__

I walked down the sidewalk through the city with my head down. My eyes wandered around searching for an entrance. There had to be one around here. He said there was.

My heart drummed furiously in my chest. I was really going through with this. I was scared. I didn't know what was going to happen. I was just hoping to get my way.

I walked further and then I saw it. The entrance. The sight caught my eyes like a magnet. My pulse became even stronger now.

Then, suddenly, I fell forward.

"Hmph." I cringed as I hit the ground.

"Watch where you're going," an angry merchant grumbled at me.

I looked up to see I had run into his barrel of fruit.

"S-sorry," I stuttered as I picked up the barrel. I hid one of the apples from the barrel under my sleeve and walked away.

I looked back to the door. I began to feel uneasy. What if this went terribly? What if they killed me? Should I risk it? I've come this far already. And then a sense of realization hit me again. I had to do this. No matter what the consequences. This was for Jimin. I have to find him wherever they put him.

I took a deep breath and walked to the entrance nonchalantly. No one paid any attention to me. No one cared to recognize my mischief. I looked to the clock tower. He said that servants would be leaving through this door at noon. I leaned against the wall next to the door with my hood up and sliced at the apple to look normal. I waited for the last minute to pass. The anticipation was killing me. My heart drummed achingly. This was the moment. I was really doing this. I couldn't even explain how I felt.

The doors open and out walked a small group of servants. They paid no mind to me except one, who glanced at me briefly. He had soft eyes and blonde hair. He smiled at me warmly. I smiled back timidly and then he looked away and walked off with the rest of the servants. I stuck my hand out to my side just catching the door before it shut. I looked one last time to make sure no one was watching, and then slipped inside.

I made my way stealthily down the dim hallway. The smell of soaps and fresh detergents filled the air. This must be the actual servant quarters. I slipped passed a room where three female servants busied themselves hand scrubbing laundry. Now my mission was to find the prince's quarters.

I walked quickly trying my best not to get caught. Once I made my way out of the servant wing, I found myself wandering around a maze of identical hallways. Guards stood in front of a door down the hallway. I quietly turned down a different hall to avoid them. My heart showed no mercy on me. It still beat with a wild rhythm. I became even more doubtful of myself as the time went by. All I had to do was find the prince. Why did that seem so hard?

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