Epilogue- Two Weddings

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  | Saturday, June 3, 2017 |

Taehyung and I stood at the end of the aisle now, awaiting the signal from Niko. Today was the day. My brother and Jin, as well as Yoongi and Jimin were marrying today. I looked at him as he took a deep breath.

"Relax, you are going to do fine," I comforted him.

"I know," he sighed. "Have you seen him yet? What does he look like today? Is he freaking out? Please, tell me he's not panicking."

I laughed at him. "Will you quit it already? He's fine. You're all going to do fine."

"Your Majesty," I looked over to see Niko standing near the doorway now.

"That's my queue," I told Tae. "I'll see you out there. Just breathe, you are going to do great."

"Gonna do great," he repeated. "I'm getting married," he smiled at me excitedly.

He turned around, scanning the hallway. "Where's Jimin, we're supposed to be walking together."

"He'll be here, you still have ten minutes. Now, I have to go," I explained as Namjoon and Hoseok walked into the hall as well. "Ready?" I looked to them.

They nodded and smiled at Tae. "See you out there, Tae. You'll do great," Namjoon patted his shoulder.

Together, the three of us turned away from him and stood in front of the large double doors.

Niko slipped inside the hall where hundreds of guests waited. "Ladies and Gentlemen, rise and behold your kings!"

The doors then opened and the three of us walked in together. The hall was decorated in silver and white. Lace drapes hung from the ceiling, flowers decorated the walls and pews. A white carpet covered the aisle. It smelled of sweet roses and fresh air.

We walked down the aisle, stepping in unison as practiced. Everyone's eyes were on us, smiling as they stood. Many barons and lords were here. Friends and other important figures as well. I noticed Yoongi's father in the crowd. The two looked so much alike. I knew they had spoken recently and were on better terms now. I was happy for them.

We made it to the altar and sat behind the priest who stood awaiting the grooms. Since it was a royal wedding, we were witness to the marriage and our signed approval was needed. I did not like the idea, but getting rid of every law on the spot would be chaos, so we would slowly work through them. For now, this one did not matter, as we were the kings and we were open to everything.

"Please be seated," I stood. "Today, we are gathered to witness the royal union between four of our kings. It is a sacred ceremony that has long stood between the Angels and the Arcane. Today, we celebrate their happiness. If anyone objects to this wedding, I ask that you speak now before we begin." I looked around, waiting. No one spoke a word. "Very well. Then, my kings, please rise."

Hoseok and Namjoon rose beside me. The three of us placed our hands on the bible bestowed before us and repeated the words we had memorized.

"We, the kings, formally witness this wedding on behalf of the Angels and Arcane. We agree that the unions today are sincere and for the good of the kingdoms. The marrying parties have our consent and our approval. We solemnly swear."

We remained standing.

"Everyone, please rise," Namjoon spoke.

"Behold, your kings," Hoseok added.

The music began and the doors opened. Taehyung and Jimin stood tall beside one another. Taehyung wore all white with feather earrings and a matching shoulder dress. Jimin wore black with many silver jewels decorated with onyx gems.

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