Thirty- The Black and White Angel

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| Friday, July 8 2016 |

(Jungkook's POV)

The streets were filled with people. Merchant tents filled the streets where people swarmed around them looking to buy something. Everyone here had a smile on their face. And they wore the most beautiful attire. I couldn't comprehend why my mother wouldn't want me to come here. This place was fantastic. There were so many others here. I never felt such a whimsical feeling before.

I know mother would be upset with me and worried about me, but I will return safely to her. And I'll tell her of the wonderful time I had and all the beautiful things I've seen. I'll bring something back for her too.

As I walked along embracing the beauty of the city and everything in it, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I bent down immediately to pick up the belongings I'd knocked from their hands.

"Oh no. It was my fault. I'm terribly sorr-"

I looked up to another boy who was just about my age. He had dark hair and frost blue eyes. He looked at me with a shocked expression.

"King Taehyung?"

"Huh?" I looked at him perplexed. "No. I am Jungkook. Not a King," I laughed lightly.

"Oh," he laughed with relief. "I apologize for my mistake." He held his hand out to help me up. "I'm Gideon."

I took his hand and stood up with his stuff in my arms. I handed them back to him carefully. "It's nice to meet you," I smiled.

"You're not from around here, are you?"

I shook my head. "How could you tell?"

"Just the way you look at this place. Like it's your first time seeing it."

"Oh," I looked down timidly.

"Well, Jungkook, my new friend, how about I show you around a bit?"

"Really?" I couldn't help myself from getting excited.

He nodded. "I'm free the rest of the day. There's a royal parade later so just about everyone is going to be free later."

"Okay. So, what is there to see?"

He smiled brightly. "Plenty."


"Whoa. That's a big statue," I stated. The statue was towering over the park brightly. "Who is that?"

"That is King Taehyung. They built this statue recently in honor of him," He spoke sadly.

"Is that a bad thing? Is he a bad King?"

"No, it's not that. The King died a few years ago. He was young and he barely had the opportunity to rule."

"Oh," I understood now. "How old was he?"

"When he died he was still only a young adult. Not even twenty years old yet."

"Wow. What happened to him?" I asked as we continued to walk. I looked back at the statue getting a good look at his face now. He kind of looked like me. So, that's why Gideon had mistaken us.

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