Twenty Five- Let Love Capture Me

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I sprinted down the sidewalk desperately. I couldn't find him anywhere. Where had he gone so quickly? Please Yoongi, come back to me.

It was dark now, but the streets were still lit and busy. People swarmed around the stores for late shopping and food.

My heart drummed furiously. Where had he gone?

I peeked down a shortcut through the buildings where a few people walked. I saw him. His back was to me and he walked the other way with his phone to his ear.

I rushed down the path after him. As I approached him, I heard him talking.

"Yes. I hope they accept the offer." His voice was shaky. "I really need this place. I just need to get away... Alright. Thank you. Goodbye."

His words worried me, but they weren't the topic of the moment.

"Yoongi," I called out as I ran up to reach him.

He looked back and saw me and then quickly looked away. "Leave me alone, Jimin."

I snatched his arm and yanked him so he looked at me. When he tried to fight me and turn away, I slammed him up against the wall of the building.

That's when it hit me. All of these feelings. All of the sadness. The fear of losing him. I couldn't help the anger and the tears.

"You should've told me," I cried, clenching tightly to his shirt. I was shuddering. Everything in me felt weak and worthless.

I looked at him, even though it was painful to. He was full on crying. Tears streamed down his face now and he avoided looking into my eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I clenched his shirt tighter.

"I'm sorry Ji-"

"No!" I shoved him harder against the wall. "You don't get to apologize," I growled. He looked at me now. "Stop blaming yourself. This isn't your fault."

"Yes, it is," he cried.

He should be mad at me. He should be blaming me. All this time, I'd shoved him away instead of pulling him closer and being there for him. And yet, he still believed all of this was his fault. If only I hadn't been so stupid and stubborn. He wouldn't have had to hurt all these years. He should've left ages ago. I'd always been unworthy of him. I'd always hurt him.


He nodded weakly. "If I hadn't done what I did, this entire situation would've never happened. If I had just come out with it and told you-"

"No," I stopped him. "It was my fault too," I admitted.

This whole time I was mad at him, I was mad for more than the fact that Yuki was my ex. I was hurting. Yoongi was my best friend. But, he was more than that. He was everything to me. And he had crushed me. I was jealous. I was envious. I thought we were something. It was me and him together always. Against the world. We were two peas in a pod. And then, I thought he was moving on. I thought everything we were didn't mean the same to him as it did to me. Maybe I was only a best friend to him. But, I couldn't be just his best friend. I couldn't take it. I couldn't handle it.

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