Fifty Four- The Seven Kings

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~ So this wait is long overdue. But, here it is. The first of the 3 last chapters. We apologize for the long hold, this wait was originally not our intention. Nevertheless, we hope you enjoy. Love you all! Thank you for reading! ~

| Sunday, January 22, 2017 |

I stood up straight as the priest moved on to me.

After my announcement, plans were quickly put together for a huge coronation. I never knew planning a coronation could be so much work, let alone for seven kings. Taehyung was a big help, having gone through it once as well as Arian, Roan, and Taehyung's old tutor, Niko.

Now, the seven of us all stood in a line awaiting our crowns and titles. I was last in the line to go. I placed my hand on the Bible extended to me and awaited the priest.

I knelt on one knee before the priest. "Do you, Jeon, Jungkook solemnly swear to accept your responsibility as king?"

"I, Jeon, Jungook solemnly swear."

"Do you solemnly swear to uphold your position in the Royal Brotherhood and wear your crest until death?"

"I solemnly swear."

"Do you solemnly swear to be a king for your people and to never abandon them?"

"I solemnly swear."

"Do you solemnly swear to be an honest and kind king for your people?"

"I solemnly swear."

"Do you solemnly swear to protect your citizens with your life?"

"I solemnly swear."

"Then I, priest Jacoby of Haven and Luna, accept you as the King of Equality."

Arian placed my crown atop my head once again.

The priest stepped back and stood.

"All of you, rise."

We all rose as directed and accepted the chalice filled with holy wine. We each sipped from it as the priest gave his speech of acceptance to the crowd. He then turned back to us.

"I light this candle in acceptance of the Royal Brotherhood."

This ceremony was different from others done before. Jimin and I made it very known that we wanted the people incorporated into the ceremony. After all, it was them who had to accept us most.

A young female stepped forward. She was also a mix of both arcane and angel blood. And she was just a simple common girl, like I used to be.

"Your Majesties, please raise your right hand and draw the blood of your palm."

We each accepted a dagger and sliced our hands.

"Now, please give your blood to us and bind the link between us, and each of you."

We stepped forward, dripping our blood into the basin of holy water which signified our people. Our blood mixed together, bonding with each other's and the water. Purifying our relations and our kingdom as one.

Arian stepped forward next before us. "Your Majesties, you have now sealed the bond between your people and yourselves. It is now time for you to seal your bonds to one another in blood. Please link your hands together and accept your brothers."

We all turned into one another and placed our hands in the center, exchanging blood.

"I now light this candle in acceptance of the Royal Brotherhood," the common girl lit the second candle.

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