Forty Five- Abusive Love

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{{{Author's Note~ okay okay, you're probably convinced by now that we're terrible people 😂 so let me apologize in advance for this next chapter. We promise it's the last one of its kind for a while... I think 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️ love you guys. See ya next Thursday!~ xxBeautifulOutlawxx}}}

I followed him in silence for a while as we rushed down a maze of hallways and stairs.

"Jimin where are we going?" I whispered worriedly to him. He led me down a dim hallway of the huge palace. My hand was securely intertwined with his.

"I found something I want to show you."

"But I don't think we should be down he-"

He placed his hand over my mouth and pressed me up against the cold stone wall. My heart jumped in my chest. He pressed his body against mine quickly and then peaked around the corner. His silver eyes were wide and held worry and mischief. I could hear his heart pounding.

There was the sound of footsteps getting louder and then softer before Jimin stepped back and looked at me with a smile. "They're gone now," he smiled. "Come, we should hurry."

"Jimin we're going to get in tr-"

"Just be quiet and follow me."

He took off quickly down the hallway. I ran quietly after him trying to be as stealthy as possible.

We continued to run through a series of halls until we were walking down a hall that was completely dark.

"Wh-where are we?" I asked nervously. The hallway was eerie and ominous. It was deathly silent and it was cold.

Jimin looked at me and smiled. "This way."

I reluctantly followed him the rest of the way down the hallway. He placed his hand on a door and opened it. It creaked open quietly and slowly and Jimin yanked me inside. He closed the door leaving us in a pitch black space before he flicked a lighter and lit a torch.

I now saw the room for what it was. It was an old worn down room with a sad feel and a musty smell. The walls had shackles hanging from them and a case on one end of the room displayed a series of devices probably used for torture. The room gave me the chills.

"Jimin I don't like this. Why are we here?"

He lit another torch on the other side of the door and then smirked at me. It was a cynical smirk filled with mystery and mischief.

He stepped toward me and pressed me up against the cold wall. He brought his lips to my neck and teasingly licked my skin. "You won't dislike it for long. I promise," he whispered seductively into my ear.

"J-Jimin," I stuttered out nervously as he began to rub over my crotch.


He grabbed me by my wrist and shoved me across the room. I stumbled back falling onto the floor. Before I could get up, he was dragging me across the floor until I hit the wall and he cuffed my hand in one of the shackles. My heart pounded furiously. I looked at him with panic.

"Jimin what are you doing? How am I supposed to get out of this?"

He grinned teasingly and pulled a small key from his back pocket. "Is this what you're looking for?"

"Unshackle me right now. Are you crazy?"

He laughed slightly. "Crazy for you, yes." He held the key out to me.

I reached for it and he swiped his hand back and stuck the key down his pants slowly. He bit his lip as he looked at me. He was already bulging in his pants. The sight made me feel uneasy in a good way.

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