Fifty Three- Royal Brotherhood

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| Saturday, January 14 2017 |

(Jungkook's POV)

Today was the funeral ceremony for my mother. The war had ended with the death of Isamu and now we were on our mission to restore unity between the Angels and Arcane. At the moment, the Arcane had all gathered to mourn my mother's absence.

Taehyung held my hand tightly to comfort me. I no longer had the ability to cry. I was just cold now. I was numb. A part of me still didn't believe she was really gone. I couldn't believe it. After everything she'd been through, my mother had to go like this.

Arian looked back to me from where I stood gripping Tae's hand for dear life. I wasn't ready to watch this. I wasn't ready to let her go. He waited for my approval with the torch in hand.

I let out a deep sigh before nodding. He turned and set the hay aflame. They had prepped my mother in a beautiful white gown and a crown of flowers. She lied on a platform, decorated in white roses painted silver and blue. They had decorated her in the tribal marks of our kind as a way to bless her as we said goodbye.

The hay quickly caught fire and moved up to consume the platform and my mother.

Her ashes would be mixed into the portal to the blossom orchard where her memories would be buried.

My friends all hugged me as we said goodbye to my mother for the final time. The Arcane began to sing their song of goodbye and mourning as we watched her body burn.

"Goodbye, Mama."


We moved along the stage set up in front of the Palace of Shadows in Haven. After the funeral, the Arcane had all come to Haven as we had important homecoming to celebrate and address.

Taehyung stepped up to the front to speak to the Angels and Arcane. He was now wearing his royal attire and his crown. He was king once again. I was happy for him and I was proud of him. He was a great individual and he's what the people needed to make all of this right.

But, he'd already discussed with me what his plans were for the crown and it wasn't for him to keep it. So, I had a back up plan for when he handed the crown off.

"Today marks an important day in our history," Taehyung started. "Today, we reunite our races and we welcome back our friends. Today begins a new age. But, today would not have been possible without the actions of a very important individual. He has taken on a burden like no other and all for the sake of beings he never even knew. For beings he wanted to help desperately from the bottom of his heart. He has laid his life on the line for us and he's lost others for us." Taehyung looked back to me. "If anyone deserves this crown and deserves to make our history right, it is him. Jungkook?" He called me.

I stepped up beside him and he placed his crown on my head. "You were made to be a leader. I trust you more than I do myself to guide us into a peaceful existence."

"Thank you, Taehyung."

He nodded and stepped back.

"As a first order of business, I'd like to call my six family members forward," I started. I looked to Arian and signaled him to get ready. He nodded and disappeared off the stage.

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