Thirteen- 4 Years and Counting

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(Jimin's POV)

I walked up the sidewalk heading back to the apartment as I kicked at the loose pebbles. It was chilly now as the sun began to set. The streets were still busy with last minute shoppers, late night people, or just people coming home from work. As I approached the doorway, I saw Yoongi coming from the opposite direction with a girl trailing behind him.

He looked angered and frustrated, but I could care less. There used to be a point where I would stop everything and tend to him. Not anymore.

I realized who the girl was the minute I saw her. She rushed over, latching onto Yoongi's side as she tried to talk to him. He ripped his arm away from her and then he spotted me.

I looked away and continued on my way like I hadn't even noticed them stopped beside the door.

Yoongi shoved Yuki and screamed. "Will you leave me alone?! I never want to see you again! What don't you get about that?"

I laughed slightly as she began to cry. What a fucking drama they were. I saw Yoongi look to me again with red cheeks. I just rolled my eyes at him and walked for the door.

He rushed inside, slamming the door behind him before I came to it. I walked passed Yuki, ignoring her crying figure on the ground. I stepped inside and took off my shoes. Yoongi gazed at me from where he sat near the counter. His eyes were sad and guilty. I ignored him and walked to my room to be alone.

(Yoongi's POV)

He looked at me with that careless, dead look he always gave me. I sighed out quietly. This was only going to make things worse. I knew it. Yuki doesn't know how to quit it.

I tightened my fists in anger. Then, there was a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Hoseok.

"It'll be okay. He'll come around eventually."

I looked down into my lap trying my best not to let the forming tears fall. "But, it's already been four years," I spoke with disappointment.

I'd lost all hope for us. We were not coming back from this. He used to be my best friend. If he were going to come back to me, it would've been long ago.

"You could use a long hot bath. How about I go make you one?" Hoseok suggested as he gently massaged my shoulders.

"That would be great. Thank you."

He nodded and walked away to make me a bath. Hoseok was always closest to me. He knew the most about me and Jimin. And whenever he could, he tried to make up where Jimin lacked. He loved me. I knew he did. As a brother. The best brother I could ask for.

After it was finished, I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes and walked to the bathroom. I stripped as Hoseok came in to sit with me. I stepped into the warm bubbly water and eased my way down.

Hoseok poured two glasses of whiskey as I lied back and relaxed.

"So, Yuki's at it again?" he looked at me as he handed me a glass.

I nodded as I took it. "She's lonely again. Does it to me every time she's single."

"Huh," he frowned. "She's very persistent."

"She's very annoying," I commented.

"Agreed. But, next time it happens, let me know. I'll sacrifice my time to get her off your back for a while."

"It's okay. Not like it makes a difference with Jimin anyway."

"So, he saw then?"

I nodded then downed my glass of whiskey. Hoseok moved to sit on the steps of the bath rather than the toilet.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi. I know it's tough."

I closed my eyes. "It's okay. I've lived with it this long. I'll just have to continue to live with it." I felt the tears coming again.

"Yoongi. You can always talk to me. Remember that."

I looked at him. He was always there. Ever since I met him. He wiped a tear from my eye as it fell. I leaned forward into him as I began to cry. He wrapped his arms around me to comfort me.

"I just miss him so much," I cried.

"I know." He rubbed my back gently. "Just give it time. I have a feeling something good is going to happen soon. Maybe it will be for you," he explained.

"If anything, I believe Jimin needs good the most," I told him.

He pulled away and looked at me. "He really doesn't realize how good he had it with you around. You really know how to take care of him," Hoseok smiled. "We're all very lucky to have you, Yoongi. And you are very loved. Just remember that."

"Thank you, Hobi."

"Any time," he smiled at me.


Dinner was ready now and we all sat to eat, except for Jimin. He stayed in his room.

"Dinner is ready!" Jin called again as we all sat.

I watched as Taehyung went to the doorway of their room. "You coming to eat?"

There was the faint sound of Jimin's voice, and then Taehyung came back shaking his head.

We all went on eating without him. After dinner, I washed up my plate and made one for Jimin. Taking it, I nervously walked into his room and stood beside his bed with the plate for him. He sat on his phone ignoring me.

"I made you a plate."

I watched as Jimin rolled his eyes and quickly slapped the plate out of my hand as he stood and faced me. Food flew everywhere, making a mess of the room. With eyes full of fire, he glared at me.

"If I wanted to eat, I would've come out," he snapped.

My fists tightened at my sides. He was honestly getting ridiculous with this bullshit. I would've been brave enough to say something to him if I had a bit more alcohol in my system, but instead I turned away, taking the plate from the ground and storming out of the room.

He never noticed how much I try. Or he just didn't care. So fine. If he doesn't care, then I won't care. I needed to stop caring. Otherwise, one day, he would be the death of me.

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