Thirty Six- You'll Never Walk Alone

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I held onto Taehyung in a tight hug as we transported back. He was having trouble breathing now. Anxiety and pain filled his eyes, but he didn't dare let a single tear escape. He was quiet now as we made our way back. I knew how to get back on my own. It had come to me almost like a second nature after I came out of the water. I held my breath as did Tae and within the blink of an eye, we were back in that stuffy room.

All eyes were on us now. Taehyung continued to stay buried in my shoulder. I didn't mind comforting him at all. In a way, it also comforted me too. I didn't want to let him go. Now that I knew. He was just as significant to me before, but knowing now that we have almost the same blood running through our veins changed things. It changed what we were all these years before.

He sighed deeply before pulling away. We looked to our friends. Their eyes fell on me. They gazed at me with gaping mouths. Shock and confusion was written all over their eyes.

"Taehyung, are you alright?" Jin stood. "Are either of you hurt?"

"We're fine," he stated as he stared down at the floor.

I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

Arian looked to me. "So, what did you see, Your Majesty?"

I looked to everyone. They all awaited my answer desperately.

"There is a war coming."

Taehyung's eyes shot to me. "Another one?" His voice sounded hurt.

I nodded.

"Wait. What are you talking about, another war? When was there even a first one?" Jimin quizzed.

I looked at them all. "It happened a little over 30 years ago. Both the Angels and the Arcane used to coexist. They shared the same land. They helped one another. They cared for one another and protected one another. But, then, the Angelic King, Isamu, he raided their lands and slaughtered over half of the Arcane race. They were forced into hiding for the sake of their own lives." The story almost brought me to tears just telling it. "After he'd believed he'd rid of all the Arcane, he wiped the memory of their existence from all angels except the royals."

They looked at me with horror and disbelief written on their faces.

I looked down as a tear fell from my eye. "Another war is brewing. And I am going to lead it. He has to be stopped before he can destroy anymore." None of them protested. "What he did to my people, to my mother and King Yer," it was hard to speak. "What he did to your mother, Treyna," I looked up to Taehyung now.

He looked at me confused and scared.

"I saw it Tae. The king, he murdered Yer without a second thought. My mother went to attack him, but instead she struck your mother. But, she didn't mean to do it. I saw the look in her eyes. They didn't want to fight. They didn't want this for each other. The last look they exchanged with one another, it was as if they both had lost their best friend. I could see it in Treyna's eyes. She was part Arcane too. Not enough to pass any traits down to you, but she was. Your birthmark." I reached for his wrist. "It's the only thing that symbolizes your half blood," I explained. I looked down to the ground as I let the last part slip out. "Your mother was pushed in the way. Your fathe- our father, he yanked her by the arm and shoved her in the way to save himself."

Taehyung reached out his hand for mine now. I looked up at him wiping away the tears in my eyes.

"I believe you," his voice shook. "Thank you for telling me." He stepped in and hugged me.

The rest of the boys got up and joined us in a tight group hug. We stayed there like that for a moment before breaking.

Arian looked at me now. "So, you will do it then? You'll lead the war?"

I straightened up and nodded to him. "I may have not been there through your suffering, but you are still my people. And it is my duty to protect you, and save you. I will bring you out of hiding."


I looked to Taehyung.

"I'm with you in this. I'll do everything I can to help."

"Me too," Hoseok spoke up. "You'll never walk alone through this. So, we're with you."

"Yea," everyone else agreed.

I couldn't help but smile at them all. This was my family. Willing to stand by my side through the toughest battles. And for that, I loved them dearly.

I turned to Arian and Roan. "I'm ready to go home now."

They nodded and stepped forward placing their hands on my friends to take them.

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