Thirty Five- Finding Myself

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Blossoms. That was the first thing that came to my mind. The first thing my senses detected. They smelled so sweet. They smelled just like my mother's garden. I opened my eyes slowly to see, as I gazed up, a beautiful canopy of pink and white buds under an early morning sky.

I felt so refreshed for some reason. I felt so calm. As if I had slept here for decades on the soft ground blanketed with fallen petals and flowers. I turned my head tiredly to see a pathway beneath the trees that seemed endless. The other direction was the same. I sat up tiredly, my body crying for me to stay lying down. The sun was just coming over the horizon in the distance. This was a beautiful place. It was peaceful here. It was safe here.

I felt like I knew this place for some reason. It seemed so familiar to me. But, for some reason, I couldn't grasp it. The buds were beautiful. They weren't open yet. They wouldn't open until the sun had fully risen over the mountains. It was a beautiful spring day here. The breeze swept by, sending the scent through the air. I took a deep breath in, absorbing the fragrance. Then, suddenly, I heard a voice. I turned around in the direction the voice had come from, but there was nothing there. I squinted and looked beyond the tree line but there was still nothing there.

"Hello?" I called out.

The only sound that answered me was the whispering of the wind. But then, after a moment, the voice came again from behind me. I turned and began to walk slowly down the path. My feet were bare so I felt every silky petal beneath me. Who was there? Were they hiding behind the trees? Was I hearing them from a distance?

"It is you," the voice was calm and cheerful, but almost enchanting. I turned slowly to see who had spoken to me.

The sight shocked me. It caught me off guard and made me slightly uneasy. My mouth dropped at the sight and I had to take a step back.

He was my height with a similar physique. His hair was whiter than snow and his eyes were the same soft pink as the flowers. He looked almost ghostly. He had on a royal robe and a small crown sat atop his head. The sight of him was uncanny. He had the same smile as me. But it wasn't just that. He was me.


"Don't be frightened," he held a hand up. "My name is Kimizuki."

"You look like me," I stated.

He laughed slightly. "Well, of course I do. I am your cousin, after all."

"My cousin?" I looked at him confused. My head was spinning. This was all so much. First a war, then the prince title, now a cousin.

He nodded.

"Wait, back up. Where are we? What is this place?"

"This is the sprite blossom orchard. It is where the memories of the dead go to rest." He looked up into the canopy as he spoke.

"The dead?"

"Yes. Everyone in this land is dead," he spoke reaching a hand out for a flower that floated through the air. "Except you."

"Huh?" I looked at him. My heart clenched. Dead? I learn I have a cousin and he's standing in front of me, dead?

"You're unconscious, young Jungkook. You're here to see our memories."

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