Seven- My Shadow Once Was Pure

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(Taehyung's POV)

I looked at the frail boy in Hoseok's arms. He looked so frightened and so innocent. Yet, I still felt uneasy about him. His aura glimmered with something I'd never noticed before. Some sort of block. Like a shield to protect his secrets.

I tried to read him. To see him for who he was, but I couldn't. Unlike all the others, I couldn't get through. I couldn't see his sentencing, or anything about him for that matter. Did my father send him? Is he a spy? Why is he here? I felt my body tense.

It was my ability to be able to see. It was my responsibility. So, why couldn't I see him?

__Sunday, December 30 2012__

I stood with my arms out as I stared at my unsatisfying physique in the mirror.

"Tsk, I don't like this outfit. It doesn't fit me well," I complained to Jin.

He came around me and fixed my collar. "I think you look stunning, Your Majesty."

"You always do," I smirked at him.

His cheeks turned red with embarrassment. "I-I apologize master. If you'd like me to stop complimenting you, I shall."

"No, no," I stepped down from the pedestal. "I enjoy your compliments. They boost my huge ego," I joked.

He laughed slightly. "Of course."

I watched as he walked to my wardrobe and removed the shoulder dressing and came to me. He draped it over me.

"Please sit still, Master. I want this to look right."

"And, if I don't?" I teased him.

"Then, your father will be upset that I cannot complete my job to a satisfying standard."

I frowned at him. "Well, then I shall let him know that it's not your fault I give you such a hard time," I placed my hand on his head. "I really do appreciate all that you do for me Jin. Thank you."

"It is my pleasure, Your Majesty," he bowed.

I smiled at him. He looked so serene today. He was dressed up as well for the day.

There was a knock on the door. Jin and I both looked over. He rushed to the door and opened it. He bowed before opening the door more.

"Taehyung," my father smiled as he came to me.

"Father," I bowed.

"Today is the day." He placed his hands on his belt and straightened up, standing beside me. He gazed into the mirror and inspected the both of us. "Your mother would be proud."

I grinned shyly. "If only she were here to be proud."

"Yes. But, let's not mourn today. This day is yours." He turned to Jin. "You are dismissed."

Jin bowed politely before leaving the room.

"Come, I have something for you."

I nodded and followed my father down the hall.

"Father, I wanted to discuss giving Jin a chance for promotion after the coronation."

He looked at me slightly confused. "Who is Jin?"

"M-my servant, father. He's lived here sin-"

"Oh, the boy," he interrupted. "I do not think so. He is a servant. And a servant cannot ever be anything more than a servant."

"But, fa-"

"We are here. Come."

We were in a foreign end of the palace. I'd never seen this part before. Where were we? We approached a door where two guards stood watch. An important room. I wondered what was behind it.

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